View Full Version : USB drive no longer detected.

06-20-2005, 07:37 AM
Using an old Knoppix disc I have, I am now unable to see any USB flash drives, even though a few months ago - on the same computer and with the same usb drive and knoppix cd, I could.

Its not there when I open qtparted. I have no idea whats changed to cause this. :(

help? :cry:

Knoppix 3.3 btw

Harry Kuhman
06-20-2005, 07:48 AM
Using an old Knoppix disc I have, I am now unable to see any USB flash drives, even though a few months ago - on the same computer and with the same usb drive and knoppix cd, I could.

Its not there when I open qtparted. I have no idea whats changed to cause this. :(

help? :cry:

Knoppix 3.3 btw
Im confused by the question and the forum you selected tp post it into. If you are running from the disc then we can safely assume that the CD did not change. But you chose to post this in the hdd install forum. If we are to conclude that we are really talking about an "installed" Knoppix, then why you mention the disc above is confusing. However, something suddenly stopping to work would be less of a strange event.

On the chance that you are talking about Knoppix run as intended from CD then the only thing I can see that would be likely to have changed to cause this problem is a BIOS setting. Perhaps some sort of USB or legacy support BIOS setting? But why are we in this forum then?

06-20-2005, 07:58 AM
In hast I understood 'hdd install' as installing hdds in knoppix :} Could you move this to the right forum please?