View Full Version : Hardcode Cheatcodes ?

06-22-2005, 06:43 PM
I have created a remaster that I need to use on a couple of differnt computers, on my newer machines the master works without a hitch, on some of my older machines I have to turn off dma to get it to work. If I "cheatcode" nodma on the newer machines it will still work.
My question, can I "hardcode" cheat codes into my knoppix remaster? I have changed the isolinux.cfg file in my master already and added nodma to the default boot before burning it, but when this boots I don't get the "skipping dma from bootline arguement" that i do if I type knoppix nodma at boot menu so i know its not working. It will still hang halfway through the boot. Do I have to change more files? Knoppix 3.7 2.6 kern....have to use 3.7 for my onboard video...support was dropped in 3.8

06-23-2005, 03:54 PM
Thanks for reading my post...but I got it to work

06-23-2005, 04:02 PM
Feel free to let us know how.