View Full Version : What BitTorrent client you suggest to use?

06-23-2005, 07:40 PM
Knoppix 4.0 DVD is comming and I don't want to take my chances downloading from mirrors a huge 2.0Gb (or whatever size would be) file.

I'm a newbie with BitTorrents. What Windows client do you suggest to use? Please provide the link. :D

I know Knoppix featured its own client, but I only have NTFS filesystems, so I need to use a Windows client.


Harry Kuhman
06-23-2005, 08:06 PM
Knoppix 4.0 DVD is comming and I don't want to take my chances downloading from mirrors a huge 2.0Gb (or whatever size would be) file.

I'm a newbie with BitTorrents. What Windows client do you suggest to use? Please provide the link. :D

I know Knoppix featured its own client, but I only have NTFS filesystems, so I need to use a Windows client.


I suggest the actual BitTorrent client. The link is www.bittorrent.com (doh). Not real hard to find. The wiki article on BitTorrent lists several clients and even suggests a different one, but it is not current and made this recomendation based on the older 3.x BitTorrent client. The Current 4.x clients seem to be a better choice that the wiki's suggestion (although everyone has their own opnion). I would suggest the 4.02 version, but know of no reason not to try the newer Beta client if you feel lucky.

06-23-2005, 08:06 PM
I run both Debian stable & WinXP. The latest Sun Java JRE, i think 1.5r2. Then on top of the JRE, the Azureus client. (http://azureus.sf.net) I have been downloading about 80GB of distros, game demo, over the last couple of months & it has only acted bizzarre twice. The latest release at http://azureus.sf.net seems to have cleared that up too.

06-23-2005, 08:16 PM
I saw the wiki.

it is not current and made this recomendation based on the older 3.x BitTorrent client.

but that my reason to make my post.

try the newer Beta client if you feel lucky

naw, I'm a newbie. I'll try stable ones first.

Thanks Harry and UnderScore

06-23-2005, 10:14 PM
I highly recommend the one I've been using, bitcomet. It works very well and has a clean, interface that's easy to get around.

06-23-2005, 10:34 PM
Didn't bitcomet use to come with CoolWebSearch,StartPage and a browser Hijacker? Have you tried running adaware, spybot or some such before and after installing bitcomet?

06-24-2005, 12:24 AM
Didn't bitcomet use to come with CoolWebSearch,StartPage and a browser Hijacker? Have you tried running adaware, spybot or some such before and after installing bitcomet?

I have ad-aware and use it all the time, so removing it after the installation was no trouble for me. I didn't see anything in the license agreement, but if it does have adware, it's already been removed from my computer :wink:

06-25-2005, 04:52 AM
Azureus ..

it's pretty good, but needs java