View Full Version : Changing Knoppix Cheat Codes file

06-24-2005, 07:20 AM
Hello Friends,
I m kunal.
I have remastered Knoppix ....

I wanted to know how to change Knoppix cheat codes files f2, f3 ?


06-24-2005, 01:53 PM
Hello kunal,
I'm UnderScore
Read the Customising & Remastering (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=2) forum.

This has been answered by me twice within the last 2 weeks.


Harry Kuhman
06-24-2005, 06:26 PM
Hello kunal,
I'm Harry,
I'm neither deaf nor blind. No need to yell. Are you trying to point out that your post is more important than everyone else's?

06-26-2005, 07:48 AM
Damn, I know I should not have turned my resolution 1600 x 1200..... had to get my binoculars out to read that last post!

06-27-2005, 05:32 PM
hello harry,
sorry for those bigger fonts..

but i dont think there should be any problem with bigger fonts...


Harry Kuhman
06-27-2005, 05:59 PM
Hello kunal

Control of the font size is available to the user. As a moderator I certainly didn't delete or edit it. But as another user on this site I occasionally do share my purely personal view that using large fonts to call attention to yourself is rude and offends me. It's an Internet form of yelling, of saying "my post is more important". As a user I should control the font size I read the forum in, and not have that control taken over by a few users who want to grab attention.

I personally wish that control over font size was not available to the users, as well as a couple of other features such as making a post sticky. But I don't have control over these issues. I do, as any user of this site does, get my chance to voice my thoughts to people who do this. Removing user ability to modify font size wouldn't completely resolve this issue as long as users are still able to post images (which could be images of large text), so I haven't requested it of the System Administrator. But I do request that users not yell at me when I come to a forum to try to help them. I and others are already here reading your posts and trying to help you, bigger fonts will not get the attention of people who are not reading the forum and are not needed to get the attention of those who are. If anything it makes me less inclined to help someone when this is done.