View Full Version : Mounting harddisk?

06-26-2005, 06:29 PM
I just installed Knoppix v3.9, because my Windows XP was not working correctly (problem with the SOFTWARE register file).

It installed successfully, and my main goal is to backup the data on the internal laptop harddisk.
When I click on either of the two partitions of the HD, it says "mounting" and a bar with a percentage sign. I clicked the X here, because I didn't know what it was doing. What is this prossess doing?

I also got a USB harddisk connected, and I could access that one without doing the mounting thingy.

Can anyone explain what this feature does?

06-26-2005, 07:34 PM
In other distros mounting can be done mostly through command line or during startup sequence in the fstab file.
But in some new distros it can be done by using right click --> Mount or right click-->actions-->mount
In knoppix the former method or simply clicking (left click) on the partition will activate the partition after mounting it only.
In knoppix we can't see the mounting process becoz we are in gui, in command prompt we can mount hda1 using the command

root@localhost root $ mount /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1

"/dev" is the devices folder, and "/mnt" is mount point or mount folder.

In Linux hard disk drive is identified as hda ---> primary master, hdb ---> primary slave, hdc ---> secondary master , hdd ---> secondary slave.

Definition for mount , is given as "the act of making the filesystem accessible to the users/owners".(Mostly using the /etc/fstab file in startup sequence)

Mountpoint is the place where the mounted drives/files/anything can be viewed("anything" since everything in linux is a file) Its mandatory to create appropriate folders to mount the drives/partitions/anything.

You might also want to view this page about mount ===> http://www.linuxdevcenter.com/linux/cmd/cmd.csp?path=m/mount

Other devices and filesystem details can be searched @ http://www.google.com/linux

Harry Kuhman
06-26-2005, 09:29 PM
I just installed Knoppix v3.9, because my Windows XP was not working correctly (problem with the SOFTWARE register file).

It installed successfully, and my main goal is to backup the data on the internal laptop harddisk.
Knoppix is intended to run from the Live CD. Installing it is not always wise and certainly not something that needed to be or should have been done for a data recovery opeation. Just the opposite, installing Knoppix is a very bad idea when you are dealing with disk problems and trying to recover as much as you can from the hard disk.

06-26-2005, 09:50 PM
Sorry, I've given a bit of wrong information.
I have infact NOT installed Knoppix on my system. It is running from the boot CD.

I'm now trying to access the NTFS partitions on the harddisk so save some of the data.

Harry Kuhman
06-26-2005, 10:22 PM
Sorry, I've given a bit of wrong information.
I have infact NOT installed Knoppix on my system. It is running from the boot CD.

I'm now trying to access the NTFS partitions on the harddisk so save some of the data.
I was wondering how you got the space to install it if you had disk problems, but figured that you resolved that.

Your problem isn't really a hdd install then. I'll move it to the General forum so that more people that can help might see it. Strange, I complain to people all the time that their posts belong in the HDD forum, it seems lately that the only people who post here (rather than get moved here) don't really belong here!