View Full Version : Where to find info on remastring Knoppix with Gnome?

07-01-2005, 12:04 PM
Does any body know where on the net I can find how to remaster Knoppix to add Ganome.? I have added Gnome to knoopix on hard desk and it worked fine, but when I installed in the chroot environment it did not start. I installed GDM plus 207 other packages but could not start Gnome in the chroot evironment.

I tried with gnome failsafe option and was able to lget to gnome. It says that there is some thing wrong with my startup scripts. Does any body know what startup scripts I need to modify? I changed kde in /etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig to gnome but no change.

07-01-2005, 03:06 PM
Ok. It is Xsession45 script causing the problem.

07-01-2005, 03:11 PM
There is not much info on GNOME here at Knoppix.net since Knoppix is a primarily a KDE distro. Parsix 0.6 was recently released http://distrowatch.com/?newsid=02756#0 and it is a Knoppix based distro that uses GNOME. You should probably ask them as they seem to have got it working.
I wish you success.

07-04-2005, 12:29 PM
Thanks alot James. I managed to remaster Knoppix with Gnome using your scripts. I just edited 45xsession and knoppix-autocofig to make gnome the default window manager. I managed to get the CD to boot into gnome but when I install it on HD it did not start gnome. It says that it could not start kde because it is not the default window manager. I loged on knoppix account and typed "startx" and started into gnome. I checked knoppix-hd-autoconfig but did not see any thing says it should start kde. Do you have an idea what I should do to make sure the system starts into gnome automatically after HD install?

07-05-2005, 08:08 PM
I installe knx-installer from Kanotix and solved the HD installation problem.


I found this also:


08-14-2005, 06:08 PM
I managed to remaster Knoppix with Gnome using your scripts. I just edited 45xsession and knoppix-autocofig to make gnome the default window manager. I managed to get the CD to boot into gnome but when I install it on HD it did not start gnome.

Did you succeed to boot Gnome automatically?

I did a new remastering and replaced KDE with Gnome. Everything went fine but my CD boots only into the text mode. In spite of that I can start Gnome by typing:

su - knoppix

But Gnome tries to open previous session (/home/knoppix/.metacity/sessions/some_numbers_and.ms) and starts Gnome very slowly because of that (gives error messages in /home/knoppix/.xsession-errors). Why?

How to get Gnome start automatically? I have choosed GDM session-manager and done modifications in 45xsession and in knoppix-autoconfig and I think they are right.

This Gnome version is very attractive and I'm going to maintain this Finnish version in the future if I get those couple of things settled. Suggestions?


08-19-2005, 08:32 PM
there's a knoppix variant called gnoppix i think it's gnome...

08-20-2005, 07:00 PM
there's a knoppix variant called gnoppix i think it's gnome...

I donwloaded Gnoppix Linux Live CD but it is based upon Ubuntu. I want to use Knoppix as base.

There's something more wrong in my Gnome remaster. I have installed also enlightenment, afterstep, fcwm95 and blackbox and made modifications in 45xsession. I can boot every window manager by 'su - knoppix' and 'startx' but no one boot directly from CD. Same as with Gnome. Perhaps removing KDE changed something in init process.


08-23-2005, 11:40 AM

Sorry for late reply. Try the following /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession file. It should work:

-----------------------------------------------Cut here ----------------------------------------------
export PATH

umask 022

[ -n "$HOSTNAME" ] || HOSTNAME="$(hostname)"

[ -z "$USER" ] && USER="$(id -nu)"
export USER

[ -z "$HOME" -o "$HOME" = "/" ] && HOME="/home/$USER"
export HOME

# We need to source this so that the login screens get translated
[ -f /etc/profile ] && . /etc/profile

# Read default language/keyboard/background image
[ -f /etc/sysconfig/knoppix ] && . /etc/sysconfig/knoppix
[ -f /etc/sysconfig/i18n ] && . /etc/sysconfig/i18n

if [ -n "$LC_ALL" ]; then
export LC_ALL

[ -f /etc/sysconfig/keyboard ] && . /etc/sysconfig/keyboard

FREESPACE="$(df -k "$HOME" | awk '/^\/|^rootfs/{print $4}')"

[ -d /KNOPPIX/etc/skel/ ] && rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /KNOPPIX/etc/skel/{.gconf,.gnome2,.mozilla,Desktop,Templates} $HOME/ 2>/dev/null

[ ! -d /KNOPPIX/etc/skel/ ] && rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /etc/skel/{.gconf,.gnome2,.mozilla,Desktop,Templates} $HOME/ 2>/dev/null

GDK_USE_XFT=1 exec gnome-session

# Check for sufficient Real Memory for starting KDE or GNOME
# (We don't want to end in a swap-a-lot loop.)
REALMEM="$(awk '/MemTotal/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo)"
FREEMEM="$(awk 'BEGIN{m=0};/MemFree|Cached|SwapFree/{m+=$2};END{print m}' /proc/meminfo)"

-----------------------------------------end here---------------------------------------------------------------

Good luck.

08-24-2005, 05:51 PM
Try the following /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession file. It should work:

Sorry but it didn't :(

I can start X manually 'su - knoppix' and 'startx' but not automatically. There must be something more about that.

I have also installed configure-debian and made gdm the default display manger and changed in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf knoppix user to be logged in automatically. So this must be OK.

The problem seems to be starting X server itself. Why is it not started if I use Gnome instead of KDE? This is started from knoppix-autoconfig or am I wrong?

Could someone tell me, what I must change in original 45xsession to copy e.g. .evolution from /etc/skel automatically to /home/knoppix?

rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /etc/skel/{.gnome*,.gtk*,.metacity*,GNUstep,.sawfish,.nautil us,Nautilus} $HOME/ 2>/dev/null
[ "$USER" = "knoppix" ] && rsync -Ha --ignore-existing /usr/share/knoppix/profile/{.gnome*,GNUstep,.sawfish,.nautilus,Nautilus}


08-27-2005, 08:27 AM

I used the script shown above and it did work for me. I am writing this reply from within my Gnome remastered Knoppix 3.8. One thing I would like to mention that I used Kanotix CD to make the compressed file, knoppix CD did not work and don't know why. However, I still have a problem. X does start and shows "Linux In use" picture but Gnome takes several minutes to startup. It shows metacity splash screen and hangs for several minuts but X did start.

By the way, I downloaded Parix and found it full of bugs and unstable. Moreover, its developer made several changes to prevent remastring it. I was not able to start X as user in chrooted environment because creating password for user was not allowed.

08-27-2005, 10:19 AM
I used the script shown above and it did work for me.

However, I still have a problem. X does start and shows "Linux In use" picture but Gnome takes several minutes to startup. It shows metacity splash screen and hangs for several minuts but X did start.

I think that the 45xsession in not my problem. Do you have some scirpts in /etc/rc5.d/@99gdm? What is in /etc/rcS.d?

I made even .xession file in /etc/skel which has only gnome-session. Then I added gdm to the end of knoppix-autoconfig. Now gdm is started but /home/knoppix is an empty directory. I don't know why it is not populated this time. And my solution is not a good one because now 'boot: linux 2' startx gdm automatically - so 'init 5' don't work and I can't start Knoppix only in text-mode.

In Knoppix CD 'init 5' starts /etc/init.d/xsession. What is started if Gnome is used and no xsession file exists after removing KDE?

I have had sometimes (not in every Gnome remastering attempts) same problem in starting metacity - takes much time. Take a look at /home/knoppix/.xsession-errors and you know what's the problem. But how to solve it?

Could someone look how Gnome is started from Knoppix 4 DVD and tell me? I'm waiting for 4.0.2 version before downloading.


08-27-2005, 02:52 PM

I finally got it working smoothly. I used the 45xsession file that comes with Parsix after repacing parsix with knoppix and making Gnome the default Window Manager. By the way, I copied the content of Parsix 45xsession file into the original 45xsession file to avoid having problems with permissions. However, at the begining of X start, I have to move the mouse for a split of a second (I do not know why) and every thing starts rolling. Now to answer your questions:
- No, I do not have /etc/rc5.d/@99gdm in the remaster folder but after HD installation a /etc/rc5.d/s99gdm was created.
- There are 23 files in /etc/rcS.d. Which one you are interseted to know about?
- I changed the following line in /etc/init.d/gdm from true to false to force starting gdm:
PS: Is it possible that I load that file to this site so every body can use?

08-27-2005, 05:19 PM
There are 23 files in /etc/rcS.d. Which one you are interseted to know about?

PS: Is it possible that I load that file to this site so every body can use?

Do you really have 23 files in CD? I'm always using Fabian Franz's menu based scripts and Knoppix.clean removes all but @S00knoppix-autoconfig. I thins that at least @99gdm should be copied back before makin compressed fs. Havn't had time yet to try this.

I would appreciate very much if someone would send me original 45xsession and knoppix-autoconfig files from Knoppix 4 DVD (send me a private message and I can give my e-mail address). At least from DVD Gnome should start fine.
