View Full Version : Standby

07-01-2005, 06:35 PM
Is there any way to put knoppix in a standby modus :?:
I have already heard of the command "apmsleep" but i can only put my machine in standby for a given time while i wan't to put my machine in standby and when i need it i just have to press a button on my keyboard. (=> Just like in windows)
Greetz Daan

07-02-2005, 02:19 PM

In an attempt to assist, here is my best shots, considering I have never done this...

Have you looked at the apmsleep man pages? man apmsleep
*** looks like you might be able to use a combination of command line options to achieve what you are looking for; like:
apmsleep --standby --wait ?????

The man pages for apmsleep, also suggest looking at the man pages for xapm, and also apmd

Possibly someone else may have more information on this subject, and possibly someone who has done what you are asking, but, this might help :?:

Hopefully, this has helped, even if it is, just a little,
Ms. Cuddles