View Full Version : Hello, I'm new.

Blue Eagle
07-06-2005, 12:14 AM
I'm actually still downloading Knoppix via torrent, so I guess you could say my experiance with linux is in the minus zone.

I usualy just mess around with photoshop and 3ds max (And used to make the occaisional Morrowind mod), but ive been checking out gimp and blender.

Basicly, I just want to familierize myself with the use of Linux a bit and check out the interface.

Check out my gallery here:

07-06-2005, 12:27 AM
Welcome to Knoppix.net. Knoppix is a great tool & there is much to play, experiment & learn. We have a Documentation (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/) area with HowTo guides & FAQs. In my opinion, the Downloading FAQ is a must read. If you have questions, then please search these forums (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/search.php) since it is very possible that your question has already been asked & answered. If you still have questions, then please post a detailed question so we can help you.
I wish you fun & success.

Blue Eagle
07-07-2005, 09:51 AM
Thanks for the warm welcome.

Alright, ive been messing around with it all day now.

The first thing that suprised me was that everything actually worked the first
time I tried it. The first burned disc worked, the boot went off without a hitch,
the OS itself worked, and it didnt screw anything up when I booted back into windows.
Perfect. Too Perfect. I keep expecting to hear the sound of popping capaciters from inside my computer case any moment. NOTHING new I try with my computer ever goes so smoothly.
Quite frankly, Im scared crapless. :shock: Somethin's gotta happen! SOMETHING has to screw up!
Right? :?

The KDE interface is gorgeous, and works like the windows interface in most cases, only without the sucking. With knowlege of windows and a bit of intuition, one doesnt really need any help from
documentation. No faqs or help guides at all, a windows user can just dive right in.

The default desktop background could use a change.

I think my relationship with the multi-desktop feature could blossom into a full-blown romance.

Got up to like level 58 in frozen bubble. Crazy addictive.

An included planetarium? Nice.

Firefox right there in the quick launch bar? Bonus.

Quite frankly, im still amazed that the damn thing just WORKS.
I mean, the computer karma gods cannot allow something to be so easy!
Its equivelent exchange! I have to pay for this somehow, and its probably gonna be
an exploded power supply. :(

EDIT: However, I'd like it if I could get the resolution up to 1280x960, and up the refresh rate a bit.

07-07-2005, 03:10 PM
Got up to like level 58 in frozen bubble. Crazy addictive. I'll say...

07-08-2005, 05:28 PM
Hello, I'm old.

07-09-2005, 06:29 AM
hello... i use blender too... its great fun isnt it... :D:D

07-10-2005, 01:23 AM
Wait until you discover apt-get, or better yet, synaptic. Your gonna freak.

Blue Eagle
07-10-2005, 03:35 AM
Oh? what are those? :?: Perhaps Mr. Google can tell me! :idea:

BTW, who else here thinks that google has the most potential
to be the first software to become self-aware?

Someday, they are going to make it able to better understand questions people
ask it by giving it emotions and comprehension of the human languages and visual reconition
as well as the ability to understand art a bit, and then BAM!!!

A sentient super-being hardcoded to assist us in our lives.

07-10-2005, 06:38 AM
BTW, who else here thinks that google has the most potential
to be the first software to become self-aware?
Now there's a scary thought, since they've already set it up to never forget anything (http://yro.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=05/06/03/1934232&tid=217&tid=158)! :wink:

07-10-2005, 05:09 PM
Thanks for the warm welcome.

The first thing that suprised me was that everything actually worked the first
time I tried it...
The first burned disc worked, the boot went off without a hitch...
The OS itself worked, and it didnt screw anything up when I booted back into windows...
I keep expecting to hear the sound of popping capaciters from inside my computer case any moment...
NOTHING new I try with my computer ever goes so smoothly...
Quite frankly, Im scared crapless. :shock: Somethin's gotta happen! SOMETHING has to screw up!
Right? :?
Quite frankly, im still amazed that the damn thing just WORKS.
I mean, the computer karma gods cannot allow something to be so easy!
I have to pay for this somehow, and its probably gonna be
an exploded power supply. :(

Hmmmmmm, Blue Eagle, sounds like you´ve been runnin ¨Windows¨ too long too me... M$, Windows, and Mr. Gates have got you believin that ¨you¨ cause computer problems, and hardware issues, huh ???? ¨Karma¨ problems? Naaaaaaa, OS problems, actually...

Welcome to the Linux Side, where you WILL find, that the only problems you will have with your system, are when YOU do something, not your OS... And the plus is, problems with your OS, ARENT going to blame YOU for it :!: Your hardware, and your software, are under YOUR control, not your OS, you have a say on what YOU want, or dont want, you have control of how things are run, and setup, on YOUR system, if YOU dont like, or want any software, YOU remove it, and it REALLY is GONE, no more ¨fragment¨ files left lying around, not like that ¨other¨ OS... Again, welcome to Linux Blue Eagle, and, from this day on, its now YOUR system again!

Wait until you discover apt-get, or better yet, synaptic. Your gonna freak.

Oh? what are those? Question Perhaps Mr. Google can tell me! Idea

Hmmmm, Blue Eagle, let me, let YOU, in for a BIG SURPRISE!

apt-get is how you search, locate, find, investigate, and INSTALL, new software, into your system... ( synaptic is a nice ¨front-end¨ GUI for using apt, BTW )

Debian Distroś use the apt package management system, whereas, other Distros use RPM, or even source code compiles, to get new software... Debian maintains a bunch of ¨repositories¨ that hold ALL the software you can install from.... apt accesses them.

Lets see if I can give you a ¨crash course¨ on apt, BTW, apt is great if you hard drive install on your system, and if you still want to use the boot from the CD, klik is wonderful - and allows you to install like apt, just with a small area on your hard drive for configs and your personal data from Knoppix:

apt-get update -=- allows apt to access the repositories, and update what you can get in the outside world
apt-cache search [something] -=- lets you search for ¨packages¨, or programs, you want to install
apt-cache policy [package] -=- shows you what versions exist, if you have it installed, what version, and if new versions exist
apt-cache show [package] -=- shows you information on what the package is, does, etc... a lot more than the ¨one line¨ text you get from a search
...and, lastly, the big one...
apt-get install [package] ... [package] ... [package] -=- this actually installs, one, or more, of the software packages onto your system. It also will install any configs, data files, etc... and then set it all up for you...

How bout an easy example: lets say you want a game, something a little challenging, fun, and around the ¨shoot-em up¨ type

root@neo:~# apt-get update # to update your database to choose from
root@neo:~# apt-cache search games
ace-of-penguins - Solitaire-games with penguin-look
adonthell-data - Data files needed by Adonthell
agistudio - IDE for creating early Sierra style AGI games
airstrike - 2d dogfight game in the tradition of 'Biplanes' and 'BIP'
airstrike-common - 2d dogfight game in the tradition of 'Biplanes' and 'BIP'
allegro-demo-data - graphics and audio data for allegro-demo
arkhart - former world for Arkrpg
arkrpg - roleplaying kernel
armagetron-server - Dedicated server for Armagetron
atanks - tank-battling game
atanks-data - data files for Atomic tanks
atlantik - KDE client for Monopoly-like network games
atlantikdesigner - game board designer for Atlantik
blender - Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer
bnetd - Gaming server that emulates Battle.net(R)
bos - Invasion: Battle of Survival data set for Stratagus
boson-music - Music Pack for Boson
bsdgames - a collection of classic textual unix games
bugsquish - Bugs are trying to suck blood out of your arm!
castle-combat - game where the player builds one castle and destroys others
castle-combat-data - data files for castle-combat
childsplay - Suite of educational games for young children
childsplay-plugins - Additional games for childsplay
clanlib-doc - Reference documentation and tutorials for ClanLib
clanlib-examples - Examples for ClanLib
crawl - Dungeon Crawl, a text-based roguelike game
crossfire-client - Base Client of the game Crossfire
crossfire-client-gtk - GTK Client of the game Crossfire
crossfire-client-sounds - Sound files for playing crossfire.
crossfire-client-x11 - XLib Client of the game Crossfire
crossfire-edit - Map editor for the Crossfire Gameset
crossfire-server - Server for Crossfire Games
cyphesis-cpp - World Forge game server
cyphesis-cpp-clients - World Forge game server - clients to control the server
cyphesis-cpp-mason - World Forge game server - game data for Mason
dosbox - A x86 emulator with Tandy/Herc/CGA/EGA/VGA graphics, sound and DOS
education-logic-games - DebianEdu logic games
epiphany - Clone of BoulderDash Game
falconseye - A port of NetHack using SDL
falconseye-data - Data files for Falcon's Eye
fcmp - Free media files for FreeCraft
freecell-solver-bin - Library for solving Freecell games
freecraft - Realtime fantasy strategy game for Unix and X
freesci - a portable interpreter for SCI games like Space Quest 3
freesci-doc - Documentation for FreeSCI
frotz - interpreter of Z-code story-files
gambit - Game theory analysis software and tools
gambit-doc - documentation for gambit
gcompris - Educational games for small children
gcompris-data - Data files for GCompris
gcompris-sound-da - Danish sound files for GCompris
gcompris-sound-de - German sound files for GCompris
gcompris-sound-en - English sound files for GCompris
gcompris-sound-es - Spanish sound files for GCompris
gcompris-sound-fr - French sound files for GCompris
gcompris-sound-it - Italian sound files for GCompris
gcompris-sound-pt - Portuguese sound files for GCompris
gcompris-sound-ru - Russian sound files for GCompris
gcompris-sound-sv - Swedish sound files for GCompris
geki2 - Xenon-like vertical shoot'em-up
geki3 - R-Type-like horizontal shoot'em-up
ggz-game-servers - GGZ Gaming Zone: Game back-ends
ggz-gnome-client - GGZ Gaming Zone: GNOME2 frontend
ggz-gtk-client - GGZ Gaming Zone: Gtk+ frontend
ggz-gtk-games - GGZ Gaming Zone: Gtk+ based game front-ends
ggz-kde-client - GGZ Gaming Zone: KDE frontend
ggz-kde-games - GGZ Gaming Zone: KDE based game front-ends
ggz-txt-client - GGZ Gaming Zone: Text client
ggzd - GGZ Gaming Zone: Main Server
gnocatan-ai - Gnocatan computer player - a game for Gnome
gnome-games - games for the GNOME desktop
gnome-games-data - data files for the GNOME games
gnome-games-extra-data - games for the GNOME desktop (extra artwork)
gnustep-games - The GNUstep Development Environment -- games
grande - vertical shoot'em-up in the spirit of Xevious
gravitywars - clone of Gravity Force
gridlock.app - A collection of grid-based board games for GNUstep
gtetrinet - multiplayer tetris-like game
gtkboard - many board games in one program
hearse - exchange Nethack bones files with other players
heroes-common - Collect powerups and avoid your opponents' trails
heroes-data - Required data files for heroes
heroes-ggi - Collect powerups and avoid your opponents' trails
heroes-sdl - Collect powerups and avoid your opponents' trails
heroes-sound-effects - Optional sound files for heroes
heroes-sound-tracks - Optional sound files for heroes
inform-mode - Emacs mode for editing Inform files
ire-ed - Create or modify games for the role-playing-game engine IRE
jscalibrator - GTK Joystick Calibrator
junior-arcade - Debian Jr. arcade games
junior-games-card - Debian Jr. Card Games
junior-games-gl - Debian Jr. 3D Games (hardware acceleration required)
junior-games-net - Debian Jr. Network Games
junior-games-sim - Debian Jr. Simulation Games
junior-games-text - Debian Jr. Text Games
junior-math - Debian Jr. educational math
junior-puzzle - Debian Jr. Puzzles
junior-typing - Debian Jr. typing
jzip - Text mode interpreter for Z-Code adventures, etc.
kbounce - Jezzball clone for the K Desktop Environment
kde - the K Desktop Environment official modules
kde-amusements - the K Desktop Environment games and toys modules
kdegames - KDE Games metapackage
kdegames-card-data - Card decks for KDE games
kdegames-doc-html - KDE games documentation in HTML format
kfouleggs - A KDE clone of the Japanese PuyoPuyo game
kpat - KDE solitaire patience game
kpoker - KDE based Poker clone
kq - adventure game in the spirit of Final Fantasy
kq-data - graphics and audio data for kq
kraptor-data - Classic shoot 'em up scroller game - data files
ksirtet - Tetris and Puyo-Puyo games for KDE
liballegro-dev - development files for the Allegro library
liballegro-doc - documentation for the Allegro library
liballegro4.1 - portable library for cross-platform game and multimedia development
liballegro4.1-dbg - debugging libraries for Allegro
liballegro4.1-plugin-arts - aRts audio plugin for the Allegro library
liballegro4.1-plugin-esd - esd audio plugin for the Allegro library
liballegro4.1-plugin-jack - JACK audio plugin for the Allegro library
liballegro4a - portable library for cross-platform game and multimedia development
liballegro4a-plugin-arts - aRts audio plugin for the Allegro library
liballegro4a-plugin-esd - esd audio plugin for the Allegro library
libarkrpg - shared libraries for Arkrpg
libarkrpg-dev - development headers for Arkrpg
libclan2-gl - OpenGL module for ClanLib game SDK
libclan2-gui - GUI module for ClanLib game SDK
libclan2-jpeg - JPEG module for ClanLib game SDK
libclan2-lua - Lua module for ClanLib game SDK
libclan2-mikmod - MikMod module for ClanLib game SDK
libclan2-network - Network module for ClanLib game SDK
libclan2-png - PNG module for ClanLib game SDK
libclan2-sound - Sound module for ClanLib game SDK
libclan2-ttf - TTF module for ClanLib game SDK
libclan2-vorbis - Vorbis module for ClanLib game SDK
libclanlib-dev - ClanLib game SDK development files
libclanlib2 - ClanLib game SDK core runtime
libfreecell-solver-dev - Library for solving Freecell games (Development files)
libfreecell-solver0 - Library for solving Freecell games
libgcompris-1-0 - Core gcompris functionality - shared library
libgcompris-1-dev - Core gcompris functionality - development files
libkdegames-dev - KDE games library headers
libkdegames-doc - API documentation for the KDE games library
libkdegames1 - KDE games library and common files
libmercator-0.2-1 - terrain library for multiplayer online games - development files
libmercator-0.2-dev - terrain library for multiplayer online games - development files
libopenal-dev - OpenAL is a portable library for 3D spatialized audio
libopenal0 - OpenAL is a portable library for 3D spatialized audio
libopenbabel-dev - Convert and manipulate chemical data files (development version)
libopenbabel0 - Convert and manipulate chemical data files
libopenscenegraph - 3D scenegraph
libopenscenegraph-dev - 3D scenegraph development files
libpoker-eval - poker hand evaluator library
libpoker-eval-dev - poker hand evaluator library development files
libpoker3d - 3D multiplayer online poker game, libraries
libsdl-console - console that can be added to any SDL application
libsdl-console-dev - development files for libsdl-console
libsidplay1-c102 - SID (MOS 6581) emulation library
libsidplay2-1c102 - SID (MOS 6581) emulation library
libsidplay2-dev - SID (MOS 6581) emulation library
libunderware - development files to build 3D online games
libunderware-dev - set of libraries to build 3D online games
ltris - very polished Tetris clone with CPU opponents
luola - multiplayer cave-flying game
luola-data - data files for luola
luola-levels - level files for luola
luola-nostalgy - nostalgy level files for luola
manpages-de - German manpages
manpages-pl - Polish man pages
manpages-pt - Portuguese Versions of the Manual Pages
manpages-tr - Turkish version of the manual pages
mgt - a game record display/editor for the oriental game of go
mirrormagic - Shoot around obstacles to collect energy using your beam.
moagg - 2D gravity game
moagg-data - data files for the moagg game
moaggedit - map editor for the Moagg game
monopd - Monopoly game network server
mudnames - Multi-User Dungeon name generator daemon
nagi - game interpreter for Sierra Online (tm) AGI games
nethack-common - Common files for Nethack dungeon crawl game
netpanzer - online multiplayer tactical warfare game
netpanzer-data - data files for the netPanzer game
neverball - 3D arcade games: neverball & neverputt
omega-rpg - A text-based roguelike game
openbabel - Convert and manipulate chemical data files
opendb - Web-based lending database written in PHP
openrpg - client/server application to play RPG over the Internet
openscenegraph - 3D scenegraph binary files
openscenegraph-doc - 3D scenegraph documentation
pachi - Platform game featuring Pachi el marciano
pachi-data - Platform game featuring Pachi el marciano (data files)
pgn-extract - Portable Game Notation (PGN) extractor
playmidi - MIDI player
poker3d - 3D multiplayer online poker game
poker3d-data - 3D multiplayer online poker game, data files
poker3d-server - 3D multiplayer online poker game, server side
pvpgn - Gaming server that emulates Battle.net(R)
pydance - dancing simulation game similar to the kind in arcades
pysol - X11 solitaire game written in Python
python-2play - peer-to-peer network game engine
python-openal - port for Python of the OpenAL library
python-pygame - SDL bindings for games development in Python
python-soya - high level 3D engine for Python
python-soya-doc - high level 3D engine for Python
python2.2-pygame - SDL bindings for games development in Python 2.2
python2.3-pygame - SDL bindings for games development in Python 2.3
python2.3-pypoker-eval - python interface to poker hand evaluator library development files
qstat - Command-line tool for querying quake (and other) servers
qtads - Qt text-only interpreter for TADS
rolldice - A virtual dice roller
sarien - An interpreter for AGI resources
scid - chess database
scorched3d - 3D artillery game similar to Scorched Earth
scorched3d-data - data files for Scorched3D game
scorched3d-doc - documentation for Scorched3D game
scottfree - Interpreter for Adventure International games
scummvm - free implementation of LucasArts' S.C.U.M.M interpreter
sgf2tex - Creates TeX files from Go game records
sillypoker - A poker game
spacearyarya - third person shooter in pseudo-3D
spider - A two deck solitaire game for the X Window System
stax - collection of puzzle games similar to Tetris Attack.
stratagus - realtime strategy game for Unix and X
stratagus-gl - realtime strategy game for Unix and X - OpenGL version
superkaramba - A program based on karamba improving the eyecandy of KDE
supertux - Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux
supertux-data - Levels for classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux
tads2-mode - Emacs mode for editing TADS code
tetrinetx - Game server for Tetrinet
tex-chess - Chess fonts for TeX/LaTeX
tex-skak - Chess fonts for TeX/LaTeX
underware - binary files to run 3D online games
vdr-plugin-games - Plugin to vdr for playing tetris, snake and others
vertex - a GTK+OpenGL 3D modeller
vgacardgames - Four SVGAlib card games
vgagamespack - SVGAlib games ConnectN, Othello, and Mines
viewmol - A graphical front end for computational chemistry programs.
worlded - world editor for Arkrpg
xblast-tnt - multiplayer blast-the-others game inspired by Dynablaster
xblast-tnt-levels - level files for xblast-tnt
xblast-tnt-mini - multiplayer blast-the-others game inspired by Dynablaster
xbomb - A 'minesweeper' game with squares, hexagons or triangles.
xconq - A graphical multi-player strategy game and game design system.
xdigger - An arcade diamonds digging game for X11
xjig - An X11 jigsaw puzzle
xjump - A jumping game for X
xpilot-server - Server for hosting XPilot games
xqf - X-based Quake Server Browser
xzip - Interpreter of Infocom-format story-files
zblast-x11 - X11 version of zblast, shoot 'em up space game
crafty-books-medium - Medium-size opening books for crafty chess engine.
crafty-books-medtosmall - Medium-to-small size opening books for crafty chess engine.
crafty-books-small - Small-size opening books for crafty chess engine.
exult - An engine for Ultima VII (BG, FOV, SI, SS)
exult-studio - Tools for editing and viewing exult games
gngeo - NeoGeo emulator
gngeogui - GUI Frontend for gngeo
gnuboy-sdl - SDL binaries for gnuboy - Game Boy Emulator.
gnuboy-x - X binaries for gnuboy - Game Boy Emulator.
int-fiction-installer - Installer for interactive fiction games from the if-archive.
lgeneral - A "Panzer General" - like game
stella - Atari 2600 Emulator for SDL & X windows

lets say, zblast-x11 looks interesting, with the ¨one line¨ text of -=- X11 version of zblast, shoot 'em up space game -=- lets see what more information we can find about this game...

root@neo:~# apt-cache policy zblast-x11
Installed: (none)
Candidate: 1.3-2
Version Table:
1.3-2 0
500 http://amd64.debian.net sid/main Packages
500 http://amd64.debian.net testing/main Packages

well, it appears I dont have it already installed, and that the ¨current version¨ at this moment, is 1.3-2 -=- wonder what else we can find about this game, Im kind of interested...

root@neo:~# apt-cache show zblast-x11
Package: zblast-x11
Priority: optional
Section: games
Installed-Size: 188
Maintainer: Oohara Yuuma <oohara@debian.org>
Architecture: amd64
Source: zblast
Version: 1.3-2
Depends: libc6 (>= 2.3.2.ds1-4), libx11-6 | xlibs (>> 4.1.0), zblast-data (>= 1.2pre-7)
Filename: pool/main/z/zblast/zblast-x11_1.3-2_amd64.deb
Size: 51150
MD5sum: ef727b0f668c0cd531200b3fd9acd002
Description: X11 version of zblast, shoot 'em up space game
zblast is a shoot 'em up space game with a cool sound.
The goal of zblast is to shoot and destroy all enemy ships. When you
get it before your ship is destroyed, you can go to a next stage (called
"wave" in this game).
Unlike most of other shoot 'em up games, in zblast your ship can bear
a fair amount of damage (at least 30 hits and you can gain extra energy
during the game). It does not mean that you are safe -- you just need it.
In fact, enemy shots are fast and the sky is FILLED with them. If you
enjoy surviving a rain of laser beams by dodging them, you may need
another package.
The most interesting part of zblast is its music. With the abstract
graphics (simple line-only diagrams), zblast can provide a taste of
Two versions of the zblast program are available, one uses svgalib and
one uses X11. This package contains X11 version of the game. The command
is named "xzb" rather than "xblast" because there is already another
xblast (a bomberman clone).
upstream webpage: http://www.svgalib.org/rus/zblast/


hmmmm, sounds good, I want it, and that is accomplished by the apt-get install, like this:

root@neo:~# apt-get install zblast-x11

Ok, that was a little more explanation than usual, and a lot of the ¨background¨ data that a apt-get update and a apt-get install have been removed... But, needless to say, thats about it, you search, you find, you install, and then you use it... Thats it. One of the nice things I like about Linux, over that ¨other¨ OS, is, that if you install, or remove, something - it doesnt require, or need, the system to be rebooted. Linux is stable, secure, and has far less viri than that other OS has, in fact, you may find, no viri ¨currently¨ exist for Linux. Most viri have been created to attack Windows systems, and not much focus is on Linux, at the moment, which is also a nice plus.

Hopefully, this has helped, a little, and, lastly, a final Warm Welcome, to Linux, and to Knoppix.net :D
Ms. Cuddles
-=- Sometimes, when saving the ¨known¨ Universe, from evil attacking spawn, you gotta take a bathroom break -=-

Blue Eagle
07-11-2005, 04:07 PM
I think im going to LIKE the Linux side.

Okay, so basicly searching for software is like browsing for Firefox Extensions.
And I wouldnt have to worry about a game containing mal-ware.

I think its time to devote some harddrive space. :P

(Its an OEM machine) My hardrive came with a 6 gig FAT32 partition labeled "E: RECOVER".
All it has on it are some files named "RETTEN.000, RETTEN.001, and so forth, and a file named "retten.exe". Seems like its just a compressed version of the files that came with the computer on the C:

How do I turn that bad boy into my new linux partition?

Also, what else can I do with the knoppix im running off the boot disc?

08-18-2005, 02:20 PM
Cuddles you Rock!! that was f'n legendary!! I'm off to search 'your' name- see if it gets all your posts, I really want someone just to tell me the best 'way' -because it's hard searching this forum sometimes, and that "fully" explained the (file request/download/install) options and I love it! (bookmarked) p.s I know no-one who knows linux and I'm getting knoppix kicking with no cd-writer and 400mb spare disk-space -using (@boot) knoppix xmodule=vesa floppyconfig um...yeah...thanx!
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: