07-08-2005, 09:16 PM
i am using knoppix 3.6 and i have a lan (VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter) connected to d-link access point

the problem that i can not connect to internet so what to do

Harry Kuhman
07-08-2005, 09:32 PM
Your post is a bit confusing. I think the NIC that you have is a 1000/100/10 card that hooks up by wire. But you say you are using an "access point", which is a term that is used to imply a wireless connection. Are you actually hooking up to a D-link router by wired connection?

You may well have some driver support issue in using a new 1000 mbit interface. That can't be helped by using an older version of Knoppix. I would suggest that you get one of the 3.8.x releases or even the bootleg 4.0 DVD, or wait a little while until the officail 4.0 C and DVD are released (I have no idea when they will actually be released, I check a few times a day and sure hope they will be released officially soon). 3.9 is buggy and brings little to the table, I would avoid it. I do not actually know if a newer version of Knoppix will have the drivers you need.

You might also consider putting in a normal 100/10 NIC. You're not gaining anything at all by using a 1000/100/10 NIC if you hook it up to a device that does not support 1000 mbit connections, and it seems to be causing you problems.

We have a networking forum. Why in the world did you not post this there?????

07-08-2005, 09:36 PM
For the begining try: nodhcp or acpi=off . If you use Live CD, put this in command prompt at the begininig, if Knoppix is on hdd, put this in menu.lst (for Grub) or lilo.conf, for Lilo:
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.11 root=/dev/hda3 ro ramdisk_size=100000 init=/etc/init lang=us apm=power-off xmodule=fbdev nomce quiet knoppix nodhcp acpi=off

Don't forget to execute Lilo in terminal after changing lilo.conf.

07-08-2005, 10:27 PM
well thank u both for ur reply

i am using a wireless connection and the interface i mention(VIA Rhine II Fast Ethernet Adapter) is built-in one in AS-ROCK mainboard which is connected to the access point

and regarding the second post when i tried to make the connection the wizard ask me if i use dhcp and i said no so no need for the command line

so can i get further help