View Full Version : pikaone ripcase usb cd writer - knoppix sees it but ..

07-12-2005, 02:17 PM
I downloaded and burned a Knoppix cd last night, wonderful system!

I am trying to recover many megabytes of files from a broken XP pro system .. I have a Pikaone ripcase cd writer and a 60 megabyte pen drive.

I can use the pen drive.... /mnt/uba1 ... to copy files. .. but I have been unable to burn files using the Pikaaone ripcase. .. Knoppix sees the device /mnt/ubb .... but when I click to view files on a cd I can't see the files ..

I changed the ownership of /mnt/ubb by ... "su root" and then "chown knoppix ubb" .. this did change the ownership of /mnt/ubb to knoppix .. but still no joy seeing any files on the cd or writing to it

When I right click on /mnt/ubb and choose "create data cd with K3B" I drag the files in , hit burn, and receive the message "K3B did not find a suitable writer ... you will only be able to create an image"

any ideas?

07-13-2005, 06:40 AM
The requirements of k3b list cdrecord, so it seems likely to need a scsi(-emulation) interface. Older versions of knoppix
(I think up to 3.6) and also the current kanotix support this (i.e. show usb devices as sdx rather than ubx); unless you install knoppix to hard disk and recompile the kernel your usb burner will probably not work.

07-13-2005, 08:31 AM
--This is a 2.6 kernel vs 2.4 kernel issue. Kernel 2.6 is at fault for having broken SCSI emulation. Earlier versions of Knoppix use kernel 2.4.

--I know, cuz I have the same problem with my USB DiscClone II. I have to connect it to a 2.4 system to allow the thing to burn. :evil:

The requirements of k3b list cdrecord, so it seems likely to need a scsi(-emulation) interface. Older versions of knoppix
(I think up to 3.6) and also the current kanotix support this (i.e. show usb devices as sdx rather than ubx); unless you install knoppix to hard disk and recompile the kernel your usb burner will probably not work.

Harry Kuhman
07-13-2005, 09:43 AM
For the record, 3.7 (not 3.6) was the last version to include a 2.4 kernel.

07-14-2005, 07:09 AM
> This is a 2.6 kernel vs 2.4 kernel issue. Kernel 2.6 is at fault for having broken SCSI emulation.

Sorry, but I have to disagree: From "make menuconfig":
This driver supports certain USB attached storage devices
such as flash keys.

Warning: Enabling this cripples the usb-storage driver.

If unsure, say N.

Disable this, enable scsi emulation and it works just dandy, at least with my Archos MiniCDRW (kernel
and a few versions before that). YMMV, of course.

07-14-2005, 11:43 PM
D00d, j00 are my friend for life! I recompiled my kernel and that fixed it - at least on my laptop. Thanks mucho.

> This is a 2.6 kernel vs 2.4 kernel issue. Kernel 2.6 is at fault for having broken SCSI emulation.

Sorry, but I have to disagree: From "make menuconfig":
This driver supports certain USB attached storage devices
such as flash keys.

Warning: Enabling this cripples the usb-storage driver.

If unsure, say N.

Disable this, enable scsi emulation and it works just dandy, at least with my Archos MiniCDRW (kernel
and a few versions before that). YMMV, of course.