View Full Version : Knoppix KDE

04-19-2003, 09:24 PM
KnoppixKDE I certainly like, but I'm hanged if I can work out how to access the built-in persistent home, something I can't do without.
A point in the right direction would be appreciated.


04-20-2003, 12:36 AM
This may do you some good http://www.knoppix.net/docs/index.php/FaqUsing

But here is the how to:

04-20-2003, 05:15 PM
You still have to create a Persistant home as per the docs, the thing with KnoppixKDE is it will automatically scan your disk for the persistant home, without any cheatcodes.

04-20-2003, 06:17 PM
Thanks for your help.
Seems I failed to make myself clear regarding persistant home problem. I had assumed there would be the possibility to save it to hard disk. That is what I can't find. I want to be able to save more than one can get on a 1.44 floppy.

04-20-2003, 06:20 PM
What is Knoppix Persistent Home?

Knoppix What is Knoppix Persistent Home?

Knoppix Persistent Home is a collection of scripts for putting the /home directory on a harddisk, ZIP-drive, USB-stick, etc. So your configuration changes will be restored after a reboot. Persistent Home will be (is) a built-in feature of Knoppix 3.2, so you won't need to download the scripts with this version of Knoppix. But beware that the implementation in Knoppix 3.2 is slightly different from what is described here.Persistent Home is a collection of scripts for putting the /home directory on a harddisk, ZIP-drive, USB-stick, etc. So your configuration changes will be restored after a reboot. Persistent Home will be (is) a built-in feature of Knoppix 3.2, so you won't need to download the scripts with this version of Knoppix. But beware that the implementation in Knoppix 3.2 is slightly different from what is described here.

04-20-2003, 06:54 PM
Boy, was that a quick reply! Many thanks.

I have no problem with persistant home on Knoppix 3.2. My post was meant to be specific to KnoppixKDE, which I would rather use since it runs a bit faster on my machinery. Maybe I should download a hard disk version of PH and incorporate it into KnoppixKDE with a remaster.
