View Full Version : Restoring NTFS Drive

07-12-2005, 09:53 PM
Right, I am not necisarily new to Linux, but am more comfortable with Windows. Now, seeing as Linux most likely is more manouverable to do what I want, I need to know if I can do this.

My problem is that I have a second HDD in my PC, and all of a sudden, Windows is telling me it is corrupt and unreadable. It is formatted in NTFS. I use XP SP2, but the drive was formatted long before I got that. Now I turn to Knoppix, as it is a live distro - and I believe has some NTFS capabilities. How exactly would I go about attempting to read this drive in linux, and then copy it's contents onto another HDD so that I can then reformat it? Can it be done with Knoppix? I do know that the second HDD will have to be in FAT 32 to be written to and read by windows and Knoppix.

Harry Kuhman
07-12-2005, 11:23 PM
How exactly would I go about attempting to read this drive in linux
Boot Knoppix. Click on the desktop icon for the partition in question. See if there is enough left of the partition for Knoppix to make sense of it. (You haven't even tried booting Knoppix before asking this, have you?)

Can it be done with Knoppix?
People have done it. I have done it. But we obviously don't know what has happened to your partition and what sucess you'll have.