View Full Version : .rm files not playing

07-13-2005, 08:25 AM
I have knoppix 3.6 installed. I downloaded and installed Realplayer 10. Thereafter I tried to play some .rm files but Realplayer would open up and close immediately without playing them and without giving any error messages too.

Does anyone have a solution for this?


07-13-2005, 02:44 PM

Not really sure, on an answer, that is, but, have some ideas...

Are you ¨clicking¨ on the .rm file from within a Konqueror screen? ( i.e. the ¨File Manager¨ look-alike of what Windows would call it )

Have you tried running realplayer with the file, from a konsole, command prompt? ( sometimes programs give a lot of information on if they are having problems, only, when they are run from a prompt...

If realplayer works from a command line prompt, but, doesnt work when you click on a .rm file in konqueror, then, maybe, the File Associations for the .rm file type are not configured correctly... Cant help on this one, configurations of .rm files, I dont have realplayer...

If realplayer wont work from a command line, and nothing displays on why, maybe hit up RealOne´s site, possibly they have some answers...

Possibly, others may have better, and more, information than I have, but, this was a ¨stab¨ at it :D
Ms. Cuddles