View Full Version : How to install Java Media Framework for OpenOffice.org 2.0?

07-13-2005, 08:41 AM
Is there an easy way to install the Java Media Framework (JMF) in OpenOffice 2.0 so as to enable the built in Media Player to work? I managed to extract JMF to my /home/user/ directory, but I have no idea what to do after that! Basically, the instructions are:
Set your CLASSPATH path to reference the JMF directory. For example,
setenv JMFHOME /home/someuser/JMF-2.1.1e
setenv CLASSPATH $JMFHOME/lib/jmf.jar:.:${CLASSPATH}
Set your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (shared libraries path) to point to the JMF libraries. For example: