View Full Version : I need help booting knoppix

07-13-2005, 03:27 PM
When I try to boot Knoppix on my computer, the following message appears:

ACPI: BIOS age (2001) fails cutoff (2002), acpi=force is required to enable ACPI
audit(1121268840.128) : initialized

and then it stucks.

I want to know what the problem is, and what can I do to fix it.

Thanks for the help

07-13-2005, 03:38 PM
Knoppix boots with a splash screen. At that splash screen you can enter codes which will force Knoppix to do certain things. Theses codes are known as Cheat Codes (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Cheat_Codes). You may need to enter some codes that allow it to make sure of your system's hardware. You may need to boot it with:
knoppix acpi=force
knoppix acpi=off

07-13-2005, 05:01 PM
Thanks for helping me.
But there are still more problems.
After booting it with knoppix acpi=force, there were many error messages like:

starting init process
hdb: command error
error=0x54{AbortedCommand LastFailedsense =0x05}
ide: failed opcode was :unknown
end request :I/O error,dev hdb,sectotor 137506
cloop:Read error at pos 700821504 in file /cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPPIX ,9180 bytes lost
Buffer I/O error on device cloop0, logical block

In addition there was a warning message:

Autodetection seems to hang,please check your computer BIOS settings

fread magic :input/output error

Finally, the following message appears:

out of range
h:01.2kHz V:106.1Hz

What can I do to fix it? thanks for any help.

07-13-2005, 05:10 PM
A couple possible problems: your Knoppix CDR is bad or the CDR was burned too fast or your CDROM drive is too sensitive to fast burned CDRs.

See the FAQ My PC will boot off of the burned disc. It is strange since it loads but then stalls or it loads but is giving me I/O errors. What's going on? (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Downloading_FAQ#Q:_My_PC_will_boot_off_of_the_burn ed_disc._It_is_strange_since_it_loads_but_then_sta lls_or_it_loads_but_is_giving_me_I.2FO_errors._Wha t.27s_going_on.3F)