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View Full Version : Wireless Help

07-14-2005, 01:25 AM
I was running knoppix on my laptop perfectly fine on my home's wireless connection. I was using GAIM and Konqueror. Then all of a sudden the electricity in my house goes off. I thought no big deal. Well, then all of the programs were denied access to the internet. I thought I'll just go and reset my router. Didn't work.

I keep getting a wierd error. I've tried changing proxy settings, restarting knoppix, and trying to reset my router numerous times. I can still access my wireless connection when I boot into windows. I've ran KWiFi and it detects my router and the connection, but all of the programs won't access the internet.

I am using a Westell Versalink Model 327W as my router. If anyone can help me I'll be really grateful. BTW if you can't tell I'm new to the linux scene.

07-15-2005, 06:03 PM
being new to the Linux scene is by no means a negative stigma. welcome!
first, tell us what commands you are using to control the wireless interface, what model your laptop is, and what model and chipset your wireless card is. This information will make troubleshooting much easier on us. For future reference, always give more information than you think is necessary. That way, if it is necessary, we'll already have it and you will get your answer quicker ;)
once again, welcome to Linux!

07-16-2005, 03:55 PM
Thanks for the welcome, but I think that I've fixed the problem. I think it was mainly a router problem, because I recently booted up knoppix and I accesed the internet perfectly fine.

07-17-2005, 05:43 AM
That's good to hear! Glad it's working for you now.