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View Full Version : how to move(copy/paste) an object from one disk to an other?

12-27-2002, 03:47 PM

i would want to organize the transfer of lot of files from the first disk to an other disk with
knoppix... the two disk are recognized by knoppix :) , but it fails when i do a copy/paste from a
disk from an other(in root too).:cry: ...
is it possible with knoppix :?: i have some files between 3Mo and 400Mo to move...

thanks for help...


12-27-2002, 05:01 PM
I... want to organize the transfer of lot of files from the first disk to another disk with knoppix...

Make sure that write-access is turned ON. It is turned OFF by default in Knoppix. Right-click on the desired disk icon(s). The menu that pops up has an entry to change write-access. Click "OK" when the confirmation pops up. That SHOULD do it!

Open a window for each disk. Drag the icon for the desired file(s) from one window to the other. A menu will pop up. Select "Copy Here" or Move Here" depending on the desired action.

12-27-2002, 06:17 PM
hi michael,

> Make sure that write-access is turned ON. It is turned OFF by
> default in Knoppix. Right-click on the desired disk icon(s). The
> menu that pops up has an entry to change write-access. Click "OK"
> when the confirmation pops up. That SHOULD do it!

thanks, i didn't know that...

> Open a window for each disk. Drag the icon for the desired file(s)
> from one window to the other. A menu will pop up. Select "Copy
> Here" or Move Here" depending on the desired action.[/quote]

it doesn't function with my knoppix :cry: ...
i did it with graphic and by console and it indicated me "access denied: could not write"...
i precise, that from my mnt/hda9 to my mnt/hdc7 i can move files but not from my mnt/hdc7 to my mnt/hda9...
what strange thing...
the problem is that i want move from my mnt/hdc7... but i can't...
is there a knoppix solution?


12-27-2002, 06:43 PM
it doesn't function with my knoppix

If you are using the default KDE desktop, it should: check that both disk drive icons show a green, triangular arrow next them. This is the indication that the drive is mounted. If that's the case AND write is enabled, it SHOULD work!

12-27-2002, 06:58 PM
[/quote] If that's the case AND write is enabled, it SHOULD work![/quote]

no, it doesn't work...
however, i have mounted all the Harddisk and give the write mode for all Hd, maybe the cause of my problem is that it is the second disk where are my data !?
but i don't understand why from the first disk to the second i can move and the contrary no ?...
maybe there's a reason...

12-27-2002, 07:23 PM
--Post the results of ' fdisk -l ' and what version of Windows you are running. If you're using NTFS you only have read-only access to the filesystem. With Fat32 you have read/write.

hi michael,

> Make sure that write-access is turned ON. It is turned OFF by
> default in Knoppix. Right-click on the desired disk icon(s). The
> menu that pops up has an entry to change write-access. Click "OK"
> when the confirmation pops up. That SHOULD do it!

thanks, i didn't know that...

> Open a window for each disk. Drag the icon for the desired file(s)
> from one window to the other. A menu will pop up. Select "Copy
> Here" or Move Here" depending on the desired action.

it doesn't function with my knoppix :cry: ...
i did it with graphic and by console and it indicated me "access denied: could not write"...
i precise, that from my mnt/hda9 to my mnt/hdc7 i can move files but not from my mnt/hdc7 to my mnt/hda9...
what strange thing...
the problem is that i want move from my mnt/hdc7... but i can't...
is there a knoppix solution?


12-27-2002, 07:33 PM
If you're using NTFS you only have read-only access to the filesystem.

Whoops! Forgot about THAT one. I'll be more careful in my advice... obviously, I only half-answered the issue involved.

Thanks for the reminder!

12-28-2002, 04:19 PM

[if anyone know a solution for this problem...
it's surprising that from the first on the second disk, it functions, and the contrary no...



12-28-2002, 04:20 PM
i precise.. i don't have windows...


12-28-2002, 04:30 PM
If your running Kde be sure the two windows you open are the "file manager super user" windows (I think its system>file manager super user mode menu)..Or you could boot Knoppix and say "knoppix 2" at the boot prompt and then at the root prompt it boots you to mount your drives with "mount /dev/hda1" or whatever then use the cp command or say "startx /usr/X11R6/bin/icewm" and you will be root and have full premission with whatever windows you want to open and use.

12-28-2002, 05:24 PM
".Or you could boot Knoppix and say "knoppix 2" "

hourrah!! :D i ve booted on knoppix 2, and it is working after mount and write mode!

knoppix is great... :o

thanks to you and michael... ;-)

12-31-2002, 06:14 AM
he forgot to say "USING the RIGHT mouse button click and drag from window to window. (also make sure you opened the root file manager from the system sub menu. ALSO SEE MY TOPIC IN THE GENERAL SECTION CALLED

[ Poll ] Putting stuff on your M$ C: drive and the possible pitfalls

this might help....