View Full Version : Booting problem (title recommended by Harry Kuhman )

07-21-2005, 12:28 PM

well, appollogises to the forum, for the fact of using the forbiden words, etc.
Well, as my problem persist, I would be really glad to get any help.

I have 2 drives, a CD and a DVD Recorder drive, I've set the settings to boot from the CD in this case E:
I have disabled the Floppy drive, so, doesnt appear in the system. But still is appearing the message and command line [DR-DOS] A:\>
How can I solve this problem?

? it is in the hands of the forum,
Thanks in advance

Harry Kuhman
07-21-2005, 01:11 PM

Harry Kuhman
07-21-2005, 02:11 PM
From a "private message" that I received:

Hi Harry, could you please give me the solution to the problem?
Im not that young, im 60 years old and most of this things I dont understand.

Best regards,
It's all right in the downloading faq that I pointed you too. If there is something in the FAQ that isn't clear, feel free to post a question and I'll be glad to either answer it or fix the FAQ so that it is clear.

I can give you the simple answer to your problem. But read the rest of this message before you burn again.
You first problem is that you are trying to make the CD bootable. That is wrong.

You need to read the FAQ though, because I'm certain that you are doing other things wrong too. The FAQ exists for a reason. We will fix it if it needs corrected or if more information needs added, but I can't do much more for you than just retype eveything in the faq to you again.

If you post again, either do it in one of your many existing threads or at lest put the next thread in the froum where it belongs, the hardware and booting forum (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewforum.php?f=9). I understand that English may not be your first language, but you are in an English forum and your English is quite good, so I cannot see that being a problem. Being 60 doesn't really excuse three posts in the wrong forum, even after my long explination in the second and the link to the post about using the correct forum that was in the forum you posted in and pointed to by my first post in both of your first two threads. I'm in my 50's myself.

Plaease don't PM me again on this issue. I help plenty of people in the forums, but at least want to be able to kid myself that some people might read the posts of others and learn something rather than ask the same questions again and again. In fact, ths has been discussed many times and discussion of it could be quickly found with the forum search feature (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/search.php?mode=results) and almost any of the words in your posts. Try Caldera and DR-DOS for example.

07-21-2005, 03:20 PM
Your problem & its solution is in the Downloading FAQ (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Downloading_FAQ). I know this because I put it there myself.