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View Full Version : I just downloaded a program but how can I run it always?

07-24-2005, 03:11 PM
Hello to all, I'm using Knoppix 3.8.1.

I just downloaded gnuplot-nox, because I need it to do some work, and I got two things:

/ramdisk/tmp/klik/gnuplot-nox_4.0.0-2 folder with some stuff inside...


gnuplot-nox_4.0.0-2.cmg file on my desktop

I tried to run this last by clicking on it and it seems to try to run something called AppRun but at few seconds it stops and nothing happens...

Alternatively, I went onto the last folder and run AppRun... and then I could choose gnuplot from a list and run it...

My questions are:

- when I turn off the computer this folder dissapears... should I copy this folder to my persistent home so I can have it every time I restart the computer? In this case... will it all work ok or must I modify some configuration file?

- shouldn't appear gnuplot on Start Menu > Applications (installed by klik) ?

Thanks a lot!

07-24-2005, 06:41 PM
The cmg file is all you need, it should launch gnuplot when you click on it. (I just tried with Kanotix 2005-03.)
Of course you can save the cmg, e.g., in your persistent home.

You don't need the files in /tmp/klik - they are just temporarily needed for the creation of the cmg file.

The latest version of the klik client also updates the klik menu entries after each successful run of a klik app.
