View Full Version : Trying knoppix but having two problems. Plz help

07-25-2005, 01:40 AM
Hi everyone,

My first time posting here and first time giving linux a try. Currently using knoppix's 3.9 boot live cd w/ 2.6.11 kernel I believe. Some problems I'm running into, it appears that knoppix can't properly access my existing winxp partition. The desktop of knoppix shows several harddrive icons but in the brackets it only shows elipses(three periods ...). When I go into accessing them it doesn't show any items files or anything. I did a little searching on this but haven't had much luck figuring out how to proceed. I tried looking for captive ntfs at first but then notice that it wasn't there for 3.9.

My other problem is that I can't get my airlink AWLH3040(uses atheros chipset) wireless adapter to work under knoppix. Did a search for that as well and downloaded the netgate drivers here (http://www.netgate.com/support/Drivers/Atheros/). I then proceed to use the ndiswrapper on this (ndis5x folder was the one I used). I get a dialog display saying it's mounted successful but that there are no new devices detected for it?

Would someone mind giving me a step by step mini tutorial for getting my internet up and running under knoppix? I've tried doing it myself for several hours in addition to doing searches on how to get it working with this adapter but I'm having little luck with it.

Thanks for any help

08-11-2005, 03:55 AM
You may want to read the general advice about this forum here http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=16574
You should use a descriptive subject title for you post. It can be changed by editing your post. A bettersubject might be: "Access ntfs drives. Configure wireless."

Boot knoppix with the cheat code:
knoppix nofstab

Then when knoppix boots up completely to the GUI desktop, open a konsole command line window. In that command window we need to check if /mnt/hda1 exists:
ls -l /mnt
If it does, then skip this step. If it does not then make it:
sudo mkdir /mnt/hda1
Then mount the hda1:
sudo mount -t ntfs -o ro,users /dev/hda1 /mnt/hda1
Once you enter that command it should succeed but it will not give any status of it being successful. To check if all the file are there:
sudo ls /mnt/hda1
Next you need to open up the GUI file manager:
sudo konqueror /mnt/hda1
Let us know how it went.

As for your wireless problems, I just wrote up my experiences with wireless here http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=20460&highlight=
It will be very much the same with the only differences in the downloading & extraction of the driver.

08-14-2005, 03:39 AM
thanks for the help and instructions. Will give it a try and post back about what happens.


08-21-2005, 04:33 PM
Very good instructions from UnderScore.

I got access to my files made in the other OS without problems with those instructions.
Though my documents were stored in /dev/hda2, don't know why. So if you can not find your files after mounting /dev/hda1 don't give up. You may find those from other device.

PS. The mount example command caused error in my system
(NTFS-fs error (device hda1): ntfs_fill_super(): Not an NTFS volume. )
But mount without -t & -o parameter mounted the disk(s) successfully.