View Full Version : Has anybody succeeded remastering with KDE 3.4.1?

07-25-2005, 08:22 PM
I have tried remastering both with Knoppix 3.9 and Knoppix 3.8.1 and get always the same error message when KDE is starting:

There was an error setting up inter-process communications for KDE.
The message returned by the system was:
Could not read network connection list /home/knoppix/DCOPServer_Knoppix__0
Please check that the "dcopserver" program is running

Now I'm writing from remastered Knoppix 3.8.1 with KDE 3.4.1, but I always have to make some magic tricks to get KDE started ;)

So the problem with my remastering attempts with Knoppix 3.9 (reversed UNIONFS to the stable 1.0.11-1 version) has been with KDE 3.4.1 as far as I can see!

I hope that someone could help me to get KDE started normally.

P.S. If starting KDE automatically is impossible with KDE 3.4.1 could it be possibly to start KDM and and login program only? I have set password to knoppix so login is possible.

P.P.S. I place attached the .xsession-errors file (after starting my remastered Knoppix):

xauth: creating new authority file /home/knoppix/.Xauthority
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing
SocketCreateListener: failed to bind listener
SocketUNIXCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed
MakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to create listener for local
Cannot establish any listening sockets
DCOPServer self-test failed.
kdeinit: DCOPServer could not be started, aborting.
Warning: connect() failed: : Connection refused
SocketCreateListener: failed to bind listener
SocketUNIXCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed
MakeAllCOTSServerListeners: failed to create listener for local
Cannot establish any listening sockets
DCOPServer self-test failed.
kdeinit: DCOPServer could not be started, aborting.
QSettings::sync: failed to open '/etc/qt3/qt_plugins_3.3rc.tmp' for writing


07-26-2005, 05:55 PM
I have tried remastering both with Knoppix 3.9 and Knoppix 3.8.1 and get always the same error message when KDE is starting:

Not any more. I had wrong permissions in /tmp directory. I added to
/etc/init.d/knoppix-autoconfig after last "fi" beginning from line 1223 (Knoppix 3.8.1):

# Setting right permissions and owners to /tmp/.ICE-unix and /tmp/.X11-unix
mkdir -p /tmp/.ICE-unix 2>/dev/null
chown -R root:root /tmp/.ICE-unix 2>/dev/null
chmod 1777 /tmp/.ICE-unix 2>/dev/null
mkdir -p /tmp/.X11-unix 2>/dev/null
chown -R root:root /tmp/.X11-unix 2>/dev/null
chmod 1777 /tmp/.X11-unix 2>/dev/null

Now everything works fine! If you look at your /home/knoppix/.xsession-errors file, you notice, that even original Knoppix has wrong permissions in /tmp/.ICE-unix file. This corrects them all.

Haven't tried Knoppix 3.9 yet. But KDE 3.4.1 was not the reason for my error messages as I first thought.


07-26-2005, 06:02 PM
Good find. You might want to suggest this to the Knoppix developers at their mailing list at http://sympa.linuxtag.net/wws