View Full Version : chmod doesnt work ?

07-26-2005, 04:35 PM
trying to get my laptop sorted with live-knoppix.

root@0[mnt]# cd ..
root@0[/]# ls -la /mnt |grep uba
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 16384 Jul 26 16:16 uba1
root@0[/]# chmod 777 /mnt/uba1
root@0[/]# ls -la /mnt |grep uba
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 16384 Jul 26 16:16 uba1

doesnt seem to work.
Neither does
mount -o remount,uid=knoppix uba1
to allow user knoppix to write to the usb stick

am i missing something ?

07-27-2005, 02:29 PM
I might have some ideas, mostly guesses...

have you tried:
cd /mnt
chmod 777 uba1

another thought:
cd /mnt
chmod -R 777 uba1

is uba1 mounted, or not, if it is mounted, then it has contents in the /mnt/uba1 location under it, if it isnt, then that folder will be empty...

If this is running of the CD, and not hard drive installed, well, actually, doesnt matter... Whats in your /etc/fstab file for the device? See if you can make your changes into the fstab file, then just do a simple mount /dev/uba1

Just some ideas here, I dont have a clue why it isnt working - but these could be possible resolves...
Ms. Cuddles

07-27-2005, 10:35 PM
--See this post:


trying to get my laptop sorted with live-knoppix.

root@0[mnt]# cd ..
root@0[/]# ls -la /mnt |grep uba
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 16384 Jul 26 16:16 uba1
root@0[/]# chmod 777 /mnt/uba1
root@0[/]# ls -la /mnt |grep uba
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 16384 Jul 26 16:16 uba1

doesnt seem to work.
Neither does
mount -o remount,uid=knoppix uba1
to allow user knoppix to write to the usb stick

am i missing something ?