View Full Version : Samba Mounting Issues

04-21-2003, 04:29 AM
I just finished installing Knoppix to my hard disk this afternoon, after running the CD for a few days and deciding I liked it. I'm in the midst of finalizing my setup, and I've run into a nasty snag: permissions when mounting a Windows share with Samba.

At first, I thought that following the steps nececssary to mount the Win98 partition on my drive would work: create a mount point, chown it so that appropriate users could access it (I'm going on the group-based method: root:windows owns the directory, and my knoppix user is part of that group), and then mount it up (using "mount -t smbfs -o gid=windows //SERVER/C /mntpoint").

However, I've run into a major snag going this: only root can write to that directory now. Interestingly enough, I'd tried "chmod 777 /mntpoint" before mounting, and then I see permissions go back to 755 (drwxr-xr-x); I've even had ownership revert to root:root on me. I must admit, that's extremely weird/unnerving.

How exactly should I be mounting up this networked Windows (XP, in this case) share to let folks besides root access it?

Oh, and while I'm at it, how the heck can I set this up in /etc/fstab so I don't have to do it manually every time I reboot?

Alex Kirk

04-21-2003, 02:19 PM
As far as your /etc/fstab I would expect something like:

//server/c /mountpoint smbfs defaults,user,gid=windows 0 0

(in your options you might want to try umask=002)

In my home LAN, I don't need to worry about security so I've set up a common password on all machines, windows and linux, so it's easy for me to either write to windows from linux or to linux from windows.

