View Full Version : Confuse to adding Knoppix bootsplash to live cd..

08-06-2005, 05:20 PM
I am new in Linux especially Knoppix.
I want to adding a bootsplash to my Knoppix then do remastering, so my new knoppix will have a cool bootsplash with animation.
I have found many references, but I realy still confuse how realy to doing this. The links I have open:
- http://debian.tu-bs.de/knoppix/experiments (Fabian projects)
- http://www.bootsplash.org
- http://www.bootsplash.net
- http://www.bootsplash.info
I have try to understanding them but I still cannot understand. :(
If anyone have good and nice HOW-TO about doing this (especially for newbie), please post here.

Thanks a lot before..

08-06-2005, 07:14 PM
For example: http://linux.ic.cz/software/2/Aqua.tar.gz

It's a bootsplash theme, but I dont know either how to make it works on knoppix. Cause it towards to Mandrake.
Anyone can help?

08-09-2005, 04:37 AM
The tools needed to have a bootsplash can be found here:

First you need to recompile your kernel with splash patch.
When done, install the new kernel.

Then you need to do some adjustment/editing of your cd miniroot file.
Files that you need to look for is linuxrc and all files in /modules (need to be replace with newer modules)

Get this file: ftp://ftp.openbios.org/pub/bootsplash/rpm-sources/bootsplash/bootsplash-3.0.7.tar.bz2
Extract and find a file called splash.c.
Compile that file with static option: gcc --static splash.c -o splash
Copy the file and put into /static in miniroot.

Edit linuxrc and add this line:

if [ ! -f "/proc/splash" ]; then
unset SPLASH

if test -n "$SPLASH"; then
splash -s -u 0 /bootsplash/config/bootsplash-1024x768.cfg >/dev/null

From the above code, you will know that your bootsplash themes need to be placed in /bootsplash folder inside miniroot.
Make sure bootsplash-1024x768.cfg reflect where your themes are located.

The last part is to edit isolinux.cfg and append : splash=silent

You also need to comment line in knoppix-autoconfig if there is line that state something about splash. This is scripted splash.
If you don't, you might ended with 2 different bootsplash running.


08-10-2005, 08:24 AM
thanks, shah.. you are the man :D

01-20-2006, 09:26 AM
Trying to find a bootpslash kernel patch for 2.6.12 (knoppix 4.0.2).
I am using a vanilla 2.6.12 kernel and am customizing a livecd.

The following patches report lots of errors (most of the individual patches fail)


File: bootsplash-3.1.3-2.6.0-test9.diff 78 KB 13/11/03 00:00:00
File: bootsplash-3.1.4-2.6.3.diff 81 KB 13/08/04 00:00:00

More patches are to be found at the following URI but I am not familiar
with how to apply them:


kernel-patch-bootsplash_3.1.6-1.diff.gz 10-Jan-2006 14:17 3k
kernel-patch-bootsplash_3.1.6-1.dsc 10-Jan-2006 14:17 1k
kernel-patch-bootsplash_3.1.6-1.dsc.asc 10-Jan-2006 14:17 0k
kernel-patch-bootsplash_3.1.6-1_all.deb 10-Jan-2006 14:17 352k

Any guidance gratefully received.

01-20-2006, 12:13 PM
I use the spock's gensplash ( http://dev.gentoo.org/~spock/projects/gensplash ) patches, although it's aimed for the gentoo kernel, it works just dandy in knoppix and there's always a patch for latest kernel with two or three days of the kernel release.

01-20-2006, 12:21 PM
Ok, installing kernel-patch-bootsplash_3.1.6-1_all.deb places patches in /usr/src/kernel-patches:

/usr/src# ls kernel-patches/diffs/bootsplash/
bootsplash-3.0.7-2.4.18-vanilla.diff.gz bootsplash-3.1.4-2.6.3.diff.gz
bootsplash-3.0.7-2.4.20-vanilla.diff.gz bootsplash-3.1.4-2.6.4-r3.diff.gz
bootsplash-3.0.7-2.4.22-vanilla.diff.gz bootsplash-3.1.4-2.6.5.diff.gz
bootsplash-3.0.7-2.4.23.diff.gz bootsplash-3.1.4-2.6.6.diff.gz
bootsplash-3.0.7-2.4.24-vanilla.diff.gz bootsplash-3.1.4-2.6.7-r2.diff.gz
bootsplash-3.1.3-2.6.0-test9.diff.gz bootsplash-3.1.4-sp3-
bootsplash-3.1.4-2.6.10.diff.gz bootsplash-3.1.4-sp3-2.6.9-rc4.diff.gz
bootsplash-3.1.4-2.6.1.diff.gz bootsplash-3.1.6-2.6.11.diff.gz
bootsplash-3.1.4-2.6.2.diff.gz bootsplash-3.1.6-2.6.12.diff.gz

bootsplash-3.1.6-2.6.12.diff.gz seems to work for me.

Thanks anyway.

01-20-2006, 05:38 PM
Thanks, will have a look at gensplash.

As gensplash is gentoo oriented, any pointers to instructions for modifying knoppix 2.6[.12] livecd?
(will probably eventually work it out -but a well-trodden uri or two could save my weekend).

01-24-2006, 01:56 PM
In general, the bootsplash works fine. One minor point, though.

After pressing enter at the initial boot: prompt, the following occurs:
-the screen is cleared.
-the penguin logo is displayed
-the line audit<numbers>initialised is displayed.
-there is an approx 6 second delay while the CD is accessed.
-the bootsplash begins.

Any way to eliminate the penguin (sorry tux!) and "audit" line?

splash is called in minirt/linuxrc as soon as proc and sysfs have been

Apart from that, it's all going well.

Thanks for all help received.


01-24-2006, 07:21 PM
the tux picture is actually inside the kernel itself and is displayed only on hi-res consoles. You can either use a low res normal console (boot with the cheatcode vga=normal) or you must recompile the kernel and disable the tux image. I believe it is the same for the audit line too. You will have to recompile the kernel.