View Full Version : Device driver installing problem.

08-12-2005, 12:00 PM
We have problem installing following package to Knoppix: http://www.macraigor.com/full_gnu.htm -> bottom of page : DOWNLOAD Linux OCDRemote v2.13-0

Yes, it's made working in Red Hat Linux but we are wondering if it could work in Knoppix too:?:

-At first we converted .rpm -> .deb with "alien -d"

-Then installed it with "dpkg -i"
after install there comes /usr/local/macraigor/drivers/ravenpp -folder including some files (no idea how to use those :oops: )

-now command "ocdremote -c NS7520" (where NS7520 is our target board, but when testing any board is ok) gives us following error:

open failure on: /dev/ravenpp0, errno 2 (0x2)
ioctl write byte failure on /dev/ravenpp0

In Red Hat where it works it gives following text (when the device is not plugged but works):

ocdremote 2.13: RAVEN via LPT 1 @ speed : 1
JTAG SDO <-| CPU (1) NS7520 : listening on port 8888 | <- JTAG SDI

(or something saying cable disconnected..)

So, it would be nice if somebody who knows something about Knoppix could help us with this.