View Full Version : is it safe to write to a FAT32 partition from knoppix?

08-12-2005, 04:24 PM
hello. :)
i use Knoppix 3.8.2 from the cdrom.
i understood it is not recommended to write to a mounted NTFS partition but what about FAT32?
can i write to a FAT32 partition used by Windows 2000 to store data?
will the data already there be okay? could i read the saved files from windows?

08-12-2005, 05:06 PM
FAT32 with read/write access from both Knoppix & Windows is perfectly fine. No worries.

*EDIT* typos

Harry Kuhman
08-12-2005, 06:28 PM
As James says, Fat access with Knoppix is worry free, it will not corrup your data (as NTFS will). But you may have already noticed that you don't get write access to FAT partitions by default. This is deliberately done so that new Linux users testing the Live CD don't accidently delete important Windows files. But it is easy to change the mount of the FAT partition form read only access to read/write access. You can use the mount command (see man mount). but an even simpler way is to right click on the desktop icon for the fat partition that you want to be able to write to and use the actions ... sub-menu to give yourself write access.

08-12-2005, 09:08 PM
thanks! FAT32 read/write is ok. i hope. :?
what about ramdrive, may i use it aswell to save files on a session to be deleted on reboot?

08-13-2005, 07:38 PM
I'm having the same problem, yet my permissions are set to provide full access and the fat32 partition is set to write yet I can't copy files off of a corrupt ntfs partition(or burn them) or even create a new folder on the fat32 partition, do i need to enable some permissions or something? I'm running 3.8 off of livecd with a persistent home directory

08-13-2005, 08:01 PM
problem pretty much solved...ran k3b through kdesu and i was able to burn the files i wanted