View Full Version : Knoppix won't work :( freezes at one spot

08-14-2005, 08:25 PM
my knoppix won't work because when it boots up, it freezes at this one spot that says CPU0: Intel Pentium 2.6ghz initializing 07

Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance

Harry Kuhman
08-14-2005, 08:34 PM
You're not telling us much. There is a link to documentation near the top of this page. Did you follow all of the steps in the downloading faq? (No, you can't skip steps just because you have never done that before or because it seems like work and you would have to learn something new).

If you are comfortable that you have burnt the CD properly, then you likely will need to bypass some of the hardware detection that is failing on your particular system. See the documentation section on Cheat Codes for help on this.

08-14-2005, 09:46 PM
With all due respect, if I found this problem in the docs I wouldn't be here.

when I load it from CD the first time, everything goes fine and then I get this:

Enabling unmasked SIMD FPU exception support... done
Checking 'hlt' instruction... OK
ACPI: setting ELCR to 0800 (from 0020)
CPU0: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.60Ghz stepping 07

That is the end, the computer then freezes (I can't turn capslock on/off and can't ctrl_alt_del it)
The CD is fine, I tried it on my desktop and it works ok.

I don't think I can bypass my CPU and motherboard.

Any help would be appreciated.

08-14-2005, 09:51 PM
ok, it doesn't freeze, I waited it out and it gave me a whole bunch of these:

[<c0101325>]kernel_thread helper+0x5/0x10
and then:
Code: 90 90 57 56 53 ............(many of these numbers).....00 e8
<0>Kernel panic - not syncing: fatal exception in interrupt

and then it REALLY freezes :P

Harry Kuhman
08-14-2005, 10:11 PM
With all due respect, if I found this problem in the docs I wouldn't be here.
I stand by my above statement.

The CD is fine, I tried it on my desktop and it works ok.
We've seen over and over again that this is not true and not a valid test. And your indication that the CD took a long time for you to "wait it out" and then did something reinforces my belief. However, your not even saying how long it really took to "wait it out" does leave some room for doubt. We are not mind readers and can't know what you think "waiting it out" means. But if the answer isn't in the downloading faq it is almost certainly in the cheat codes (my guess is the former).

With all due respect, if this exchange ends up turning up any new problem, we will add it to the documentation. So we will continue to direct people there.

08-14-2005, 10:13 PM
this forum's useless,

I am surprised you haven't suggested that I was lying all along and my knoppix works.

08-14-2005, 10:30 PM
This is not meant to be insulting.
How could I prove scientifically that the ISO file downloaded and CDR that was burned are perfect and not somehow corrupt?
Well, we have written up methods like just that in the docuementation.

You might be wondering: "Why would you want to prove that it is a perfect download or that the CDR was burned perfectly?"
The answer is: If the ISO that was downloaded has a small error, or if the CDR was burned on bad media, or if the CDR was burned too fast, it will result in crashes, lockups, and strange errors. We have seen this happen consistenly for years.

So how can we help you? You must first help yourself by doing some simple tests to rule out the chances that the CDR or ISO download is the cause of the problems. If you choose not to do those tests, then there is no way we can help you determine the cause of the problems. I will meet you more than halfway, you just have to take some initiative and run some tests.

Its that simple.

08-14-2005, 10:39 PM
Once you have determined that the CDR is not corrupt, then cheat codes like:
knoppix noapic
knoppix acpi=off
might help the situation.

08-14-2005, 10:39 PM
thanks Underscore.
I have run the md5sum check; all result positive.
I have run the iso check: Ran it on a different PC and it works great.

The reason the different PC check is a valid check for iso burning is because the chances of the iso burning stream skipping byte arrays and going back in line are close to impossible. (It's like taking a detour and ending up at the destination the same time as you would if you went straight...accurate to the millisecond) If there was a burn error, the CD would be rendered mostly unusable. you have seen files missing in iso burning, but they are a result of poorly compiled isos. An Iso is a stream reference to the memory location, if one thing goes wrong in a stream, the rest of the stream is useless.
So I can tell you for a fact, my CD is ok.
It's actually whoppix I am running, but it's based on knoppix, but with some more modules.

Thanks for your help guys.

08-14-2005, 10:42 PM
wow it worked.
Thanks so much UnderScore.
Sorry for my manners guys.

Harry Kuhman
08-14-2005, 10:43 PM
this forum's useless,

I am surprised you haven't suggested that I was lying all along and my knoppix works.
You posted exactly one line about your problem and no mention of reading the wiki or searching the forums before I pointed you to the documentation wiki, then you showed ingignation that anyone would suggest that you should read the documentation.

Instead of saying that you had done the things in the faq, you instead offered as "proof" something that we see over and over again as not being a valid test, an improperly burned CD booting on one system does not prove that it is burnt properly or that it will boot on other systems. I've been posting and helping people here for over two years, this is your first thread here and you are asking for help. Why do you refuse it?

I will suggest that your "this forum's useless" post, in your first thread, on your first day of trying to get Knoppix working when you are not even staying what steps you are taking, tells me that you are not well suited to either Knoppix or Linux, which would require you to learn to do different things. You will be much happier going back to windows.