View Full Version : For the love of God why no 3D support on the dvd???

08-17-2005, 11:39 PM
I totally understand not have 3D support on the CD released versions, but why not include 3D support on the Live-DVD. I know there are a limited amount of other Linux distros that support Nvidia & Ati cards, but is there a technical reason I'm overlooking preventing the drivers from eing included on the DVD versions. I assure you, not only would there be a high demand for it, but it could only add value to the product.

08-17-2005, 11:50 PM
As far as I understand it, its the driver's license & not a size issue. Nvidia & ATI drivers are not Free Software or Open Source licensed and are not to be redistributed. (See **EDIT**) If Klaus Knopper were to distribute the drivers + Knoppix then this takes the away the freedom to give away Knoppix to anyone and only empowers the licensee of the drivers (Klaus).

You want drivers for Nvida & ATI cards on a Knoppix CD? Then please ask Nvidia & ATI to release the drivers under a open source license.

*EDIT* According to the Nvidia license, the drivers can be redistributed. Distro makers that wish to bundle the driver are probably allowed to do so. Those distros that are all Free/Open Source Software and intend to remain FOSS choose not to distribute the drivers because the license is not a FOSS license.