View Full Version : What to do with all the space on the 4.0 dvd

08-18-2005, 02:57 PM
Now that 4.0 has been released and we have found that its only 3 gigs in size, does anyone have any suggestions as to what I could pack into the iso to make better use of it...

Harry Kuhman
08-19-2005, 12:34 AM
I hope a good mix of stuff gets included in future official releases. One thing I'm looking for is the inclusion of more games. No giant killer FPS games that will eat the whole DVD (although that might be fine for remasters), but lots of the nice playable fun small games. Some of the ones we lost over the releases are back on the DVD, but some are still missing (there was a nice pool game in 3.1) and I'm sure there are many others out there that would be good canidates for inclusion too. Games help make Knoppix friendly and serve as a good excuse to give a copy to someone without coming across as a Linux preacher. After they play a while they may be more receptive to looking at just what else this now OS can do for them.

08-19-2005, 06:52 AM
what I could pack into the iso to make better use of it...

Sorry for going alittle of topic here but I know what I would like to include (Music and my Home dir)
my question is how would one do that in Linux? A link to a how-to (my google search missed) would be cool!