View Full Version : Widescreen Support on a Live CD

08-19-2005, 07:07 PM
hi all,

I was considering using Pollix (a Knoppix Variant) on my laptop to develop some robotic interface components as well as software emulation of the robots.

Problem is, no widescreen support as far as i can see. So any ideas? I really need to have access to the low level serial commands that linux allows and dont want to install it.

Can i change the ISO for the settings? will chaning them in the live CD enviroment be saved? Clues / Pointers to doign this will be very greatfull.

Many thanks,

- Martyn

08-19-2005, 08:28 PM
it would probably be a boot argument of some sort (they call em cheatcodes around here) like vga=.... to set the monitor vga parameters

08-20-2005, 08:33 AM
ok cool, i will do some reading up and see what i get

08-20-2005, 03:33 PM
Are you having trouble at the CLI or in X Windows?
You should be able to add : screen=1200x800
at boot but it wouldn't work for me so I had to edit XF86Config-4