View Full Version : booting knoppix on a windows xp computer

Spartan 219
08-21-2005, 05:22 AM
i have windows xp. i have gone in and i have set the bios to boot from my cd drive then my dvd drive and then from my hard drive. i have the knoppix boot cd in my dvd drive. but every time i try to start my computer it completely ignores the knoppix cd and comtinues booting xp. how can i get knoppix to work? :?:

Harry Kuhman
08-21-2005, 06:34 AM
i have windows xp. i have gone in and i have set the bios to boot from my cd drive then my dvd drive and then from my hard drive. i have the knoppix boot cd in my dvd drive. but every time i try to start my computer it completely ignores the knoppix cd and comtinues booting xp. how can i get knoppix to work? :?:
You really haven't told us much of anything and in fact you have left us with more questions than answers. I'm wondering, for example, if you made a CD and the CD drive is the first in the boot sequence, why you didn't just put the CD in the CD drive? We also don't know that you made the CD properly. Did you follow all of the steps in the downloading faq, or do you just think you knew how to properly make the CD? Will the CD boot properly in other systems, indicating that it might be a problem with this system, or have you not tried to boot the CD on another computer? Heck, we don't even know anything about the computer that you are trying to boot on. I doubt if it will really tell us what is going wrong, but if you had posted that, someone with the same system might have been able to join the discussion and confirm that Knoppix works for them, or say what they had to do to get the CD to boot.

My best guess though at this point is that you made an error that is covered in the downloading faq. Follow the documentation link near the top of this page.

Spartan 219
08-21-2005, 07:05 PM
i apoligise for that, it was getting late last night and im a noob at this forum stuff. well that sucks looks like i missed the "there is no rar file " thing in hte download section. im really sorry about that. thanks.