View Full Version : Amateur Radio programs on Knoppix Version 4.0

08-23-2005, 09:23 PM
Can not find one Amateur Radio program on Knoppix Version 4.0 :?: Are they going to be included on a Synaptic update later :?: Or do I need to stick with Version 3.9 in order to use the Amateur Radio programs forever :?: :cry:

Harry Kuhman
08-23-2005, 09:53 PM
What programs of this nature were on 3.9 that were removed in 4.0?

We are not the developers. Klaus does check in on very rare occasions (mostly seems to look at the bug reports in the wiki), but feedback on desired use of that remaining DVD space would be better posted where the developers are more likely to see it. I'm not quite sure of where the best place is, but one choice might be a post in this mailing list (http://lists.debian.org/debian-knoppix/).

Harry Kuhman
08-23-2005, 09:59 PM
P.S. - I know there was a special ham radio remaster created with some (really not a lot) of HAM programs on it. Maybe you are thinking of that rather than the real Knoppix 3.9. If so then nothing was really removed from 4.0 that was in 3.9, it's just that all hacks and remasters to Knoppix can't be expected to make it back into the original. I expect the people who did the ham knoppix CD will someday do an updated version. But the Knoppix 4.0 CD isn't even out yet, and the ham CD I saw actually could have used a lot more ham programs (based on space use, I have no idea how much software might really be available). I doubt that they are in any rush to try to fill a DVD.

08-23-2005, 11:10 PM
P.S. - I know there was a special ham radio remaster created with some (really not a lot) of HAM programs on it. Maybe you are thinking of that rather than the real Knoppix 3.9. If so then nothing was really removed from 4.0 that was in 3.9, it's just that all hacks and remasters to Knoppix can't be expected to make it back into the original. I expect the people who did the ham knoppix CD will someday do an updated version. But the Knoppix 4.0 CD isn't even out yet, and the ham CD I saw actually could have used a lot more ham programs (based on space use, I have no idea how much software might really be available). I doubt that they are in any rush to try to fill a DVD.
No I have Harv's Hardware Hack CD and ham programs worked on ver 3.9 also. After getting the DCHP to work on version 4.0 I opened Terminal and "SU", did apt-get udate and then apt-get upgrade. The ham programs are now listed in Synaptic and installed KPSK to see if that installed. But see my post and answer to your post on No Internet connetion on version 4.0, DVD forum. Version 4.0 Will not load at all now :(

Harry Kuhman
08-23-2005, 11:24 PM
But see my post and answer to your post on No Internet connetion on version 4.0, DVD forum. Version 4.0 Will not load at all now :(
Actually, it had been moved to the HDD forum even before you posted the last response. Things break when Knoppix is installed to hard disk. Particularly networking. This has been going on since before I started using the forums here, well over two years. Enbrace it as the nature of installing Knoppix to hard disk. The second post in the HDD forum (http://www.knoppix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=25), back in November 2002, is (and I know you see this coming) a network failure where the system worked fine from the CD but stopped after a hard disk install. There have been a steady stream of such problems ever since.

I still don't know what ham programs, if any, you might think have been removed from Knoppix. Knoppix has always been prone to apt-get and update problems (a side effect of choices made to mix different versions of Debian for the Live CD). There are also known bugs in 4.0.1 DVD (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Bugs/4.0.1DVD) that impact dpkg and apt-get.

08-24-2005, 03:19 PM
I still don't know what ham programs, if any, you might think have been removed from Knoppix. Knoppix has always been prone to apt-get and update problems (a side effect of choices made to mix different versions of Debian for the Live CD). There are also known bugs in 4.0.1 DVD (http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Bugs/4.0.1DVD) that impact dpkg and apt-get.

After doing update and upgrade the Amateur Radio programs are listed in Synaptic and Package Manager. On the list that came with the DVD download could not find any Amateur Radio progams on the DVD disk is what I ment.

After reinstall of version 4.0 from the DVD, all seems to be working now, even DCHP was picked up and activated on boot loading. Update and upgrade worked and was able to boot after doing the updates. :D The mystery of computers and OS allways seem to amaze me. :shock: