View Full Version : What happens to my PC?

08-27-2005, 03:23 PM
Ok, I've never used Linux before or even seen ti, but I've always been interested in it.

I'm currently downloading the 3.9 cd version, i've heard that its' buggy, but i'm halfway through downloading, so I guess i'l just put up with it!

What will happen to my PC when I boot off the cd? Will my files be changed or anything? If I use Knoppix for a bit then reboot normally will everything be as it was? I currenty don't have any way of backing anything up...

Any advice? What should I expect when I have loaded Knoppix?

Thanks for your help,


08-27-2005, 04:51 PM
Hi Rich,

Knoppix runs entirely from cd; it will not touch your hard drive(s) unless you tell it to do so.

Make sure you read the documentation on checking md5 sums and burning the iso on cd. This will help you to avoid common mistakes. When you're done, boot off cd and enter "knoppix testcd" to check the cd for errors.
Some v. 3.9 bugs are documented here: http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Bugs/3.9-2005-05-27

Good luck!

08-28-2005, 09:51 AM
thanks, everything is working fine, except the resolution is really low. When I start up a get a menu that gives me 7 chocies, but they all are it 640x800... how to i fix this?

Harry Kuhman
08-28-2005, 10:01 AM
thanks, everything is working fine, except the resolution is really low. When I start up a get a menu that gives me 7 chocies, but they all are it 640x800... how to i fix this?
The normal default resolution I see is 1024x768. I expect that the hardware detection has decided that your video card or monitor should be run at the lower res. To override hardware detection and make your own choices, see the cheat codes section of the wiki, found by following the documentation link near the top of this page.

08-28-2005, 06:48 PM
I still can't get the resoltuon any higher... In windows its always run at 1024x768 fine, so the hardware does support it. I used the cheat code knoppix screen=1024x768 but it didn't make any difference.... Am i typing it in at the right point, the first time I can type anything, as it boots and is this the right code?

I'd like to resolve this as it makes it unusable, i.e. I can't see the Ok button on dialog boxes, so I can't click them!

So now if I want to mount by c: drive what do I do? I havn't backed anything up hence asking here... will this destroy my data etc?