View Full Version : How to test file iso image before burn to cd?

08-29-2005, 01:37 PM
After remastering knoppix, how to test the iso image, is that success or not before i burn to cd except with Qemu?

08-29-2005, 02:00 PM
You can test it using bootrfom=/dev/hd_partition/knoppix_file.iso, e.g.

boot: linux bootfrom=/dev/hda5/knoppix.iso
Be sure to have path right. It's much easier to move KNOPPIX-CUSTOM.iso to the root (/) of the partition and rename it, e.g. knoppix.iso to avoid typing errors.


08-29-2005, 02:02 PM
You can create md5sums to check ISO file integrity.

08-29-2005, 03:29 PM
or use VMware, so you dont have to reboot your computer

08-29-2005, 08:34 PM
Or use qemu. It's open source, but you better have a fast computer.

09-10-2005, 06:57 AM
or use VMware, so you dont have to reboot your computer

how can i make setting if i use VMware, i mean file ISO must be put in a new free space on hard drive or how?

Harry Kuhman
09-10-2005, 07:13 AM
You can create md5sums to check ISO file integrity.
That makes no sense at all. This is a question about remastering, remaking the ISO. Of course you can create a md5 sum for the new ISO. And when you check it, it will match. But unlike when you download an ISO and an md5 sum, the test on an ISO that you just made tells you nothing.

09-11-2005, 12:43 PM
After remastering knoppix, how to test the iso image, is that success or not before i burn to cd except with Qemu?

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "except with Qemu?". I do test my remastered ISO's with qemu, and use the following command

qemu -cdrom knoppix-cd.iso -boot d -m 512

normally 256M is fine , but my latest recipe needs 512 to work well at the moment.

09-13-2005, 12:37 PM

Iv'e just started to work with dvd/cd remastering/burning and i'm quite interested in the qemu program that has been mentioned above.

Discs using an isolinux boot and a -no-emul-boot switch have worked out quite well so far. But i couldn't say i can actually visualise/understand the boot situation as it is for an iso image as yet.

I've been trying to recreate a Kanotix iso recently, acquired via a Linux magazine, that appears to use grub as a loader. I might have to use the -hard-disk-boot there possibly .... A couple of attempts have failed and trying to copy over an isolinux directory and editing the cfg also failed. But i did expect that (grin).

I get the idea that this "qemu" program will be able to emulate a boot scenario. Saving the disc wright :). Which sounds like a very handy time saver indeed.

So, i just dloaded (wget) the testing pkg from debs ftp site then. Along with quite a number of associated dependancies.

My question is ... can qemu be back ported (woody, heavily modified) with out a lot of the extra emulation facilities. Especially when it comes to sound support ... arts, the esound facility and such.

-=- All i need it to do is to test the iso to see if it will boot before burning -=-

I will try anyway, but i have gotten myself into knots in the past stripping dependencies out of a debian source collection, so i thought i might enquire here just in case there are any hints along those lines.

Thanks in Advance, of course. :)
