View Full Version : Can I run two programs with sound?

09-01-2005, 11:43 PM
Ok, after having been able to get my DSL connection running, now I got another problem: sound.

Knoppix detects it, but I have to run alsaconf to get it running. Only problem is, if I run, say, xmms and xine at the same time, one of them can't play sound.

Is there a way to run two programs both running sound? If so, please describe how.

Thanks a lot once again.

09-06-2005, 04:11 PM
This used to be a pretty regular question, here is my 'standard' reply. I haven't used Knoppix for some time (switched to Kanotix to get a more stable HD install) but I think this should still be valid.

First, boot 'knoppix alsa' to make sure you are using alsa and not oss. These are the sound modules in the kernel, oss is obsolete. If you are installed to HD, edit the 'append=' line in /etc/lilo.conf adding 'alsa' to the list then re run lilo.
Then, try the sound configuration tool in the 'Knoppix' menu item.
Make sure your Kmix volume settings are turned up, you need at least master and PCM turned up.
Go to KDE control center -> sound system & enable the sound system.
Go to KDE control center -> system notifications & turn on all event sounds.
Then you have to edit the hidden file /home/(username)/.kde/share/config/knotifyrc & change all three settings to 'true'.

LastConfiguredApp=The KDE Window Manager

Arts Init=true
KNotify Init=true
Use Arts=true

It is a hidden file, to find it set konqueror to view hidden files then edit it with Kate or Kwrite.
Why kde doesn't do this automatically when enabling system sounds is a mystery to me but it doesn't.
You should now have system beeps & whistles.
To play sounds from more than one application you must use the sound server aRts & you will need to install the xmms-arts plugin so that xmms can use aRts also. Apt-get install xmms-arts then you have to configure xmms to use aRTs as the output plugin. This setting is in options->settings->Audio I/O Plugins.
You also have to set xine to use aRts, the setting is in settings->setup->audio->audio driver to use.
If you are using konqueror as a web browser go to konqueror configuration settings->plugins & set 'pipe plugin sounds though arts' to true. It is under the second tab under 'netscape plugins'. They should revise their dialog box names since netscape is now pretty much a thing of the past.