View Full Version : Almost smooth ...

09-04-2005, 11:16 AM
I am fixing up an old 700 Mhz PC with Knoppix 3.9 for the daughter of a friend of mine and I want to get the system to play DVDs.

I installed Xine which worked OK but was very 'jerky' (dropping frames) and so I tried Totem which was much smoother but still a little bit jerky.

My question is ...

In order to get the playback completely smooth what should I upgrade?

Should I put in more RAM? (I experiemented with 384 Mb and it was still jerky)
Should I try a faster processor? 800Mhz? 900Mhz?
Or is the problem with the graphic card? (it's an ELSA trio 64V2/DX, PCI)

Or should I forget the whole thing and just get a much faster PC?

If anyone can point me towards the best 'adjustment' to make or can give me tuning tips, then that would be a great help.

Many thanks,
Alan Searle.

09-04-2005, 05:57 PM
Should I try a faster processor? 800Mhz? 900Mhz?

Yes, from my experience you need at least a PIII running at 900Mhz.