View Full Version : Permissions Trouble

09-12-2005, 03:47 AM
Well, here's my problem. I'll try to give you's all as much detail as i can.

I have a hard drive with about 100GB of info on it that crashed. Windows wasn't able to even look at the drive, but my friend suggested that if i can see my files on the HD with Knoppix, i would be able to recover them.

So, here's everything I can tell you. Both hard drives are FAT32 (/mnt/hda1 & /mnt/sda1). i unmounted both drives, set permissions to be able to read/write, mounted them again, but if i try to copy/paste or drag & drop, it still tells me that i don't have write permissons. i think it might be because i don't have root permissions, it's not letting me change the permissions on the 2 hard drives.

so, i opened 'konsole' (this is where i can type everything out as if i were in a regular linux enviroment), and typed 'su' for root. it lets me go to root, but I still get the permissions error for copying. i tried 'mount', and it tells me that both drives are 'rwxrwxrwx' (which recently changed to -rw-r--r--, and still no luck copying files from on HD to another).

i'm not too sure what else to do. i'm really a newb with minimal knowledge of linux, so things are a little complicated for me. that's why i chole knoppix.

if you can help, PLEASE let me know.


09-12-2005, 11:50 AM
IIRC, knoppix mounts the disks read-only (as a precaution against unwanted modifications by a not-so-well-tarined user).
Right click on the icon of the disk that you want to write to and select sth like "write enable" or "remount read-write" - this
might be hidden under a submenu, so look around (I can't test this now and so cannot be more specific -- sorry).

BTW mounting read-only and file permissions are two entirely separate things, you can't change one setting with the other tool.