View Full Version : Where does wine keep things?

09-14-2005, 12:20 AM
When you install windows programs, where on the harddrive does when keep it?
I can't find it any where!!

I tried telling wine to keep files in my home folder, but I don't think it listend to me... :(

I have knoppix 4 installed on my HDD.

(Sorry if this has been asked a couple hundred times...)

09-14-2005, 12:56 AM
When you install windows programs, where on the harddrive does when keep it?
I can't find it any where!!
I tried telling wine to keep files in my home folder, but I don't think it listend to me... :(
I have knoppix 4 installed on my HDD.
(Sorry if this has been asked a couple hundred times...)
If I remember this ritht, it is in the user home directory under .wine/fake_windows or something like that...

09-14-2005, 01:59 AM
When you install windows programs, where on the harddrive does when keep it?
I can't find it any where!!
I tried telling wine to keep files in my home folder, but I don't think it listend to me... :(
I have knoppix 4 installed on my HDD.
(Sorry if this has been asked a couple hundred times...)
If I remember this ritht, it is in the user home directory under .wine/fake_windows or something like that...

Thats where it's at!!!
I can see all my program file and every thing!!

Thanks a bunch!! :)

I have a note for people with the same qustion: You must set your computer to veiw hidden folder & files to see this folder.