View Full Version : Remove Konqueror Autorun?

09-14-2005, 01:57 PM
Hi, all..
I have complete my remastering to 97%.
But I still cannot done some change of knoppix behaviour.
May anyone know how to remove Konqueror autorun which show up on first run?

Just that's all.
Thanks for any help.

Keith F. Jr.

09-14-2005, 04:38 PM
The autorun file is /home/knoppix/Desktop/KNOPPIX.desktop and that file opens up the /cdrom/index.html file in konqueror.

09-15-2005, 06:44 PM
The autorun file is /home/knoppix/Desktop/KNOPPIX.desktop and that file opens up the /cdrom/index.html file in konqueror.

And how about the HD icon which appear at desktop? Can you tell me how to disappear them?

Thanks for helping me.

Keith F. Jr.

09-15-2005, 08:59 PM

10-17-2005, 06:28 PM
which isn't there in the mounted ISO.
I'm guessing I put it in /etc/skel/Desktop/KNOPPIX.desktop

10-22-2005, 10:58 PM
You have to edit /etc/X11/Xsession.d/45xsession

Line 169 (more or less)

[Desktop Entry]
# Exec=kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing $INDEXFILE
Exec=konqueror --geometry 850x600+85+70 file:$INDEXFILE
# ln $HOME/Desktop/KNOPPIX.desktop $HOME/.kde/Autostart/showindex.desktop

I just commented the line where Klaus appends the link to the Autostart directory ( ln $HOME/Desktop/KNOPPIX.desktop $HOME/.kde/Autostart/showindex.desktop) because it is annoying to have to close konqueror every time you boot the CD to work, but I like to keep the desktop icon.


Victor Alonso.

02-08-2006, 05:48 PM
On KNOPPIX CD v.4.0.2, Konquerer is still coming up on boot after doing the following (and remastering after each):

Commenting the line " ln $HOME/Desktop/KNOPPIX.desktop $HOME/.kde/Autostart/showindex.desktop " in the 45xsession file.
Removing the line " ln $HOME/Desktop/KNOPPIX.desktop $HOME/.kde/Autostart/showindex.desktop " in the 45xsession file.
Commenting out the entire KNOPPIX.desktop creation section in the 45xsession file.
Removing the entire KNOPPIX.desktop creation section in the 45xsession file.
Adding "rm -Rf /home/knoppix/.kde/Autostart/showindex.desktop" to the end of the 45xsession file.
Adding "rm -Rf /home/knoppix/.kde/Autostart/showindex.desktop" to the end of a knoppix.sh file in the /cdrom/KNOPPIX/ dir.
Doing the same two actions above on /home/knoppix/Desktop/KNOPPIX.desktop file.
Adding those same two 'rm' lines to the end of the /etc/init.d/knoppix-autostart file.
Scanning my entire image with "grep -r" to see if anything else recreated these files.
Ensuring that these files did not exist elsewhere in the image and were coppied over at boot.

I'm at a loss. Konquerer still starts. I'm about at the point of uninstalling the damned thing and just using Firefox.

Edit: Removing all the references to index.html and all it's variants doesn't work. Konquerer just opens anyway and complains it can't find the file. Even though I have pulled my hair out trying to find where it is coming from, the showindex.desktop file is still showing up in my remasters. Is there a binary that is recreating this file?

02-10-2006, 02:29 PM
Nevermind... found that the configs.tgz file had the showindex.desktop file in it. Removed the file before running the saveconfig command, and then using that configs.tgz file solved it.

03-02-2006, 03:47 PM
I installed Knoppix 4.0 on the HD. Everything was fine, but suddenly Firefox began to start automatically at the startup. I can't find any way of avoiding that.

I tried to follow the directions given above, but I can't locate Firefox in the Autostart folder, and I can't locate the 45Xsession file in Xsession.d folder:

la /home/mmanu/.kde/Autostart/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 mmanu mmanu 112 Mar 2 13:58 .
drwxr-xr-x 4 mmanu mmanu 304 Feb 28 14:35 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 mmanu mmanu 1767 Feb 28 17:24 .directory
lrwxrwxrwx 1 mmanu mmanu 40 Mar 2 13:58 kmix.desktop -> /usr/share/applications/kde/kmix.desktop

la /etc/X11/Xsession.d/
total 22
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 288 Feb 28 14:32 .
drwxr-xr-x 24 root root 1776 Feb 28 20:42 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1871 May 29 2004 20xfree86-common_process-args
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 894 Feb 18 2005 30xfree86-common_xresources
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1565 May 29 2004 50xfree86-common_determine-startup
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 616 May 29 2004 90xfree86-common_ssh-agent
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 170 May 29 2004 99xfree86-common_start

Could anyone kindly help me?

Thanks ^__^

03-03-2006, 09:04 PM
I just commented the line where Klaus appends the link to the Autostart directory ( ln $HOME/Desktop/KNOPPIX.desktop $HOME/.kde/Autostart/showindex.desktop) because it is annoying to have to close konqueror every time you boot the CD to work, but I like to keep the desktop icon.

You must comment out some more lines from 45xsession. This is the section that needs to be wholly commented:

# Check for /index.html (_en), or KNOPPIX/index.html (_en) on this CD
# if [ -e /cdrom/index.html ]; then
# INDEXFILE="/cdrom/index.html"
# else
# for i in index KNOPPIX/index; do
# INDEXFILEDE="/cdrom/${i}.html"
# INDEXFILEEN="/cdrom/${i}_en.html"
# [ -e "$INDEXFILEEN" ] && INDEXFILE="$INDEXFILEEN" && [ "$LANGUAGE" != "de" ] &&
# [ -e "$INDEXFILEDE" ] && INDEXFILE="$INDEXFILEDE" && [ "$LANGUAGE" = "de" ] &&
# done
# fi
# if [ -e "$INDEXFILE" ]; then
# cat >> $HOME/Desktop/KNOPPIX.desktop <<EOF
# [Desktop Entry]
# Exec=kfmclient openProfile webbrowsing $INDEXFILE
# Exec=konqueror --geometry 850x600+85+70 file:$INDEXFILE
# Type=Application
# Icon=html
# Terminal=0
# ln $HOME/Desktop/KNOPPIX.desktop $HOME/.kde/Autostart/showindex.desktop

I have also deleted following files from KNOPPIX directory: autorun.bat, autorun.inf, autorun.pif, cdrom.ico, index.html.

If you want to use some additional desktop just add them to /etc/skel/Desktop. I have also deleted whole mkdesktopicons script because I don't like those hd icons in my desktop. I have 21 partitions and mkdestkopicons adds them all to the desktop. In addition in KDE 3.5 you can set from Desktop settings e.g. mounted partitions to be seen (this is what I have done).


06-13-2006, 04:00 PM
(I think those 3 files in KNOPPIX directory are for Windows only)

I have problems, but my situation is different; I remastered Knoppix 4.0.2 with Fluxbox as default WM, but there is posibility to use KDE within Fluxbox by simply running startkde script; when KDE is loading (there is no taskbar yet) Firefox is opening with the index.html page (Firefox is a default browser in KDE settings in ~/.kde); KDE initialization is stopped, but I can shut it down (by logging out), run it again and... KDE works, and there no web browser shows up

now why KDE doesn't work at first time? I think it's becouse of that Firefox, it starts and KDE "hangs" with splashscreen; I commented out all lines that tr suggested

it may be a simply mistake in 45session, I will check it out, too; but maybe you have know a way out

SOLVED: Firefox was in the Fluxbox's startup script and kdeinit, too