View Full Version : USB HD compatibility with knoppix

09-19-2005, 03:05 PM
Before purchasing a wrong USB Hard Drive, can you confirm if knoppix can auto detect and work with iomega portable USB HD?

Sorry, but I am starting now with Knoppix. Is there any special site where I can check these compatibilities?


09-19-2005, 04:23 PM
I have an Iomega DVDburner (usb) and a Iomega floppy (usb) they both work great.
My guess is that it wil most likely work ok right of.
The trouble you may get have to do with filesystems. if it is NTFS you can easily read easily but writing is troublesome/dangerous to achieve.
otoh you could have a Fat32 partition on it and use that just fine both read and write.
One (possibly big to you) downside to Fat32, max filesize is 1 byte under 4Gb (3 999 999 999B)... so no fullsized DVD ISO files or such (4.7G) they wil be corupted.