View Full Version : Write-Protected

09-24-2005, 09:34 PM
I had windows xp home before, and I had set files to private. After I upgraded to to XP PRo, I used same username for the new user name.

Now, my files are set to Write-protected and I can not access them.
So, I am went ahead and tried Knoobix, and it works for me. I can access the files in that folder through Knoobix. Is it possible to change the folder settings so I can view the files while I am using Windows Xp PRo.

I was thinking of moving files to the new user from Old user through Knoobix, I read the tool has been taken and it might mess up the data. :?

If it is not possible, maybe then a way to delete the files, sicne they are just taking up space. :roll:

09-27-2005, 07:03 AM
I can't do either of the following?

Delete NTfs Files through Unix

Change setting of folders from Private to public either through linux or windows.

09-29-2005, 05:16 AM
Thank you for taking the time to read this thread. I foudn the solution today ^_^
