View Full Version : Guide for Beginners

10-01-2005, 10:21 PM
Is there a guide to Knoppix for beginners out there? Like maybe an HTML file or something? Or a message in one of these forums? Just the basics of Linux and Knoppix in particular, especially things someone would need to know to do things with it running from the live CD. Example. I downloaded Knoppix to check it out, I have been interested in Linux somewhat for years and decided to finally check it out. So, Windows XP got corrupted on my laptop somehow, and while I am waiting for a recovery disk to come in so that I can possibly rescue my stuff off of the laptop I decided to bring up Knoppix and have a look around. Played a couple of games no problem. And one thing I enjoyed is that now my laptop will run Linux, an earlier attempt didn't work with some other distro, it would lock up when loading. So then I see Open Office and I decide to go in there and mess around a little, I am familiar with it because I have it installed on the machine already, the Windows version. Everything went fine, until I decided to try to save a document. It showed desktop, tmp and user. I wanted to save the file to the floppy but that wasn't even an available option that I could find. I had mounted the floppy and changed it's permissions so that it could be written to by clicking on it's emblem on the desktop. But I couldn't find it through Open Office in any of the directories that showed up. And, I don't think USB is working right on this system using Knoppix.

So, I was thinking if there was a guide for things like this that beginners could use, it would sure make it easier on everyone. Is there one out there? If not, any of the knowledgeable people ever think about putting one together? Thanks, Steve

10-01-2005, 10:50 PM

10-02-2005, 12:18 AM
Knowing Knoppix (http://www.pjls16812.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/knowing-knoppix/index.html): http://www.pjls16812.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/knowing-knoppix/index.html

10-02-2005, 01:17 AM
thanks for the links, looks pretty useful