View Full Version : 4.0.2 Firewall settings not saved in persistent home ?

Robert A.
10-03-2005, 01:51 PM
Using 4.0.2 CD, I turn on the built-in firewall, then attempt to save the setting. My expectation is that the firewall will auto-start the next time I use Knoppix. But the firewall tells me that its setting cannot be saved unless I have a persistent configuration - and I do have one, on my hard drive. It works fine, and is automatically located during boot.

I'm using a poor man's install. No problems otherwise. The firewall seems to be on, when I turn it on.

Is this a problem? Certainly, not a big one. Or do I misunderstand how to operate the firewall? For that matter, do I really need a firewall in Knoppix, if I'm not using my computer as a file server? (Another thread on this forum suggests that I don't need the firewall.)