View Full Version : I know this is boring but....more of the same

10-06-2005, 10:38 PM
Yes well. Having tried and failed with remastering from a hard drive install, I have tried with the remastering howto. Except for mysql (a story for another post) everything seemed to install fine. Whereas with my harddrive install remaster I got Cannot find filesystem, with this one I got bad superblock. Anyway **** it I thought and followed the instructions to mount the thing rw anyway (mount -n -o remount, rw /). I can access everything none gui. looking. X won't start. typing in first /etc/init.d/xsession start (nothing) and then init 5 9get hardware recognition script), I get a log on screen (and obviously I have no iidea how to create a password-did use passwd but it created one for root and wouldn't let me in and I am not sure how to change to user knoppix). Sooooooo.. I did mkf86config and got more or less zero. then did hwsetup and then mkxf86config again so my video card came up but not much else and still no x with /etc/init.d/xsession start etc.. so I did start x and then thing has booted with my software (apache2,php5,mysql4.0 server +client, mysql-admin,query-browser,nvigator, quanta,bluefish,jdk5.0 + netbeans,tomcat5,yasr,emacspeak) and background images, but no mouse, I can't access the internet (the drivers I usually load don't work)..so if anyone out there has a minute can they tell me how to get my hardware recognition turned on again. How to get past the bad superblock problem, how to start xsession.