View Full Version : Thunderbird can't do spell check

10-07-2005, 06:23 AM
This is the 4.02 HD install, I find the spell check does not work preperly on TB, when I do spell check, the pop up window does not show any word mispelled or suggestion just nothing.

Harry Kuhman
10-07-2005, 06:27 AM
Where do I start?

You say this is with a hard disk install. Does it work OK from CD?

If it does, why didn't you post in the hard disk install section?

If it doesn't, why bother to mention the hard disk install and confuse the issue.

Do you have a question here, or are you just posting information for others?

10-07-2005, 06:30 AM
Sorry about that, I guess general support can accept any question, sorry I move out of here !

Harry Kuhman
10-07-2005, 07:43 AM
Sorry about that, I guess general support can accept any question, sorry I move out of here !
So far there has been no question on your part.

General Support tends to be for things that didn't seen to fit well other places. It's not really intended as a place to just dump everything, otherwise there would have been no reason to have the other forums. We are certainly flexiable and there is a good deal of overlap in the various forums, but if the problem only occurs after a hard disk install then there is clearly a better forum for discussing it. I would have moved it to the hard disk install forum, where you might get better response, but I've learned the hard way that there are people who will post statements pretty much like you did, but then complain that the problem also happens if running fron CD after I do, so I've learned to ask.

It sounds like this is just another thing to add to the long list of things that break when people think it's a good idea to install the Knoppix Live CD to hard disk. I'm not certain of that though because you didn't answer my question, so maybe you don't know. If you can't be bothered to try the test from the CD then I see no point in doing it either.

10-07-2005, 07:50 AM
I didn't try on live CD so I don't know, and I understand HD install is not Knoppix designed for.

10-07-2005, 04:42 PM
I didn't try on live CD so I don't know, and I understand HD install is not Knoppix designed for.

This would sound a little like, a, topic shift, or hijacked, thread, but...

Even the CREATOR of Knoppix states, that, Knoppix is NOT INTENDED for HDD Installing... Do a search of the forums, or examine the Documentation, for this proof...

BUT... Getting back, to your, already, in-progress, topic / thread...

If this is a PROBLEM / ISSUE, with thunderbird and, with spell checking within it... have you done a search within the forums for your version of thunderbird, to see if others may be having the SAME problem? Have you checked to see that you are RUNNING / INSTALLED the current version of thunderbird? ( this can be solved, possibly, if the version you installed may have had a bug, or problem, and a newer release / version came out to possibly fix it)

the "package" is called mozilla-thunderbird

to check for what is installed, and what is current version, try the following in a root Konsole:
1 ) Do an apt-get update

... then ...

root@neo:~# apt-cache policy mozilla-thunderbird
Installed: 1.0.6-3
Candidate: 1.0.6-4
Version Table:
1.0.6-4 0
500 http://amd64.debian.net sid/main Packages
*** 1.0.6-3 0
100 /var/lib/dpkg/status
1.0.2-3 0
500 http://amd64.debian.net testing/main Packages
Depending on what apt repositories you have in apt sources.list, and your installed system, your results may vary... But the commands are still valid...

If something doesnt work, this holds true, for almost EVERYTHING, see if the current version is installed, and upgrade it, or re-install the newer version, to see if the problem is resolved :)

Hope this helps,
Ms. Cuddles

10-07-2005, 05:11 PM
This is the default HD install so I guess it is the same as yours, if you have no problem with the spell check then I might have a bad download or burn.......anyway, please just ignore my post here, thanks everybody.

Harry Kuhman
10-07-2005, 05:48 PM
then I might have a bad download .......
There is a very simple way to know for certain if you had a good download or not, the md5 test. That anyone who thinks that they are savy enough to install Knoppix to hard disk can say they might have had a bad download rather than do this simple test amazes me.

12-06-2005, 05:25 AM
then I might have a bad download .......
There is a very simple way to know for certain if you had a good download or not, the md5 test. That anyone who thinks that they are savy enough to install Knoppix to hard disk can say they might have had a bad download rather than do this simple test amazes me.

For your information, the checksum programs are md5sum and sha1sum. Just use one of them on the command line, followed by the .ISO filename and compare the return value with the checksum on the ISO web site.

When I started fiddling with Linux .ISOs, I neglected to run checksums out of ignorance, not because I thought I knew what I was doing. I spent... er... wasted many hours with bad downloads until someone from a message board enlightened me. Now, I waste many hours trying to install dozens of Linux flavors to find my favorite (and show others). I guess I will never improve my knowledge on one flavor... that would be no fun.