View Full Version : Changing wallpaper dynamically

10-07-2005, 09:32 PM
I just had a wierd idea. Is it possible to change wallpaper on my remastered CD based on the language I choose. For example if I use "knoppix lang=en", I get a wallpaper that displays "LInux in USe" (I am using v 3.8.2) and on using the cheat code "knoppix lang=de", I get a wallpaper that displays the same text but in german. Ofcourse, I need two different wallpapers for this but how do i Tell knoppix to load the wallpaper based on the cheat code. Any help is aprreciated???
Thanks in advance

10-07-2005, 11:42 PM
I just had a wierd idea. Is it possible to change wallpaper on my remastered CD based on the language I choose?
Yes, anything is possible. It's FLOSS. ;)

I don't have a clear picture in my mind on exactly how you'd do this, but here are some starting points. The command line that is typed at the boot prompt is stored in /proc/cmdline. You could parse that to see what language is being used. I don't recall exactly where the background image is stored, but have a look in /cdrom or grep for "backgr" in the /etc/ files. Once you know what language and which file to pick based on it, you could write a script that copies the right image to the right location.

Interesting idea. Please keep us posted on how it goes.

BTW, what version of Knoppix are you using?

- Robert

10-08-2005, 06:47 AM
I am using knoppix v 3.8.2. Thanks for the starting points. I have figured out where the background image is stored..will work on it during the weekend. Thanks for your pointers..Ill keep you guys posted.