View Full Version : Programs on Knoppix

04-27-2003, 06:13 AM
Okay, so there are 900 (?) programs on Knoppix. Hmmm. Being totally unfamiliar with Linux, I have no idea what I might do with these. Even being a fairly advanced MS user, I doubt I've handled 900 programs in the last ten years.

Has anyone made a list of these programs, put them into categories, and given a brief description? I doubt it, but I thought I'd ask. But has anyone even put together a list of the highlights, the big ones, the commonly useful ones? That would be really a good and useful thing to have.

Henk Poley
04-27-2003, 07:16 AM
[color=darkblue]Okay, so there are 900 (?) programs on Knoppix. Hmmm. Being totally unfamiliar with Linux, I have no idea what I might do with these. Even being a fairly advanced MS user, I doubt I've handled 900 programs in the last ten years.

NB: I'm not stating you are dumb...

..but, this this the difference between 'the Microsoft way' and 'the UNIX way', google for it you will find some hits. On Windows you have lots of similar programs that try to do everything which may be usefull for the task (think MS Office). Some may fail to do it all just right.

On UNIX there are lots of programs that can do one sole thing (ex: spell check), and try to it good. A program on a higher level (OpenOffice), can then make use of these programs and 'click' them together (spell check, OCR, mail).

The 'basic' unix programs (bash, cp, ls, chmod, etc.) are already a couple or hundred. The programs with GUI (burner program, OpenOffice, games) are put in the menu of the windowmanager in quite a logic order. You'll find your way.

If you want an explanation what a command/program/file does you can try "man [program name]", there are also "howto"s written. These can be found on the CD (?) and all over the web.

Some keywords you can use for google: newbie, howto, linux, unix, KDE

04-27-2003, 09:08 AM
You can find list of packages here: ftp://ftp.uni-kl.de/pub/linux/knoppix/packages.txt :)