View Full Version : knoppix.sh problems

10-11-2005, 09:54 PM
I am succefully booting knoppix from a USB key. I have two stranger problems however:

1. When I boot, if I type "knoppix myconfig=/mnt/uba1" then knoppix succesfully finds the knoppix.sh file on the root of my usb key. If instead I add "myconfig=/mnt/uba1" to the APPEND line of the appropriate syslinux.cfg section, knoppix does NOT see the knoppix.sh file. Why? (I confirmed this by adding the line 'echo "Test" >> /tmp/test.txt" to the knoppix.sh file.

2. More importantly, even when knoppix.sh does run, it will not start ssh! I added the line '/etc/init.d/ssh start' to the top of the knoppix.sh file. Still, it doesn't seem to run or work. I CAN run this command from a bash shell, and then sshd works great. Why is knoppix.sh not running this line?


10-11-2005, 11:12 PM
I am succefully booting knoppix from a USB key. I have two stranger problems however:
1. When I boot, if I type "knoppix myconfig=/mnt/uba1" then knoppix succesfully finds the knoppix.sh file on the root of my usb key. If instead I add "myconfig=/mnt/uba1" to the APPEND line of the appropriate syslinux.cfg section, knoppix does NOT see the knoppix.sh file. Why? (I confirmed this by adding the line 'echo "Test" >> /tmp/test.txt" to the knoppix.sh file.
If I remember this right, I think that some (old) version of syslinux have a command line length limitation. Could you try to remove some other cheatcode to verify this ? Grub doesn't have such limitation and can also be used to boot knoppix from a USB dongle.

2. More importantly, even when knoppix.sh does run, it will not start ssh! I added the line '/etc/init.d/ssh start' to the top of the knoppix.sh file. Still, it doesn't seem to run or work. I CAN run this command from a bash shell, and then sshd works great. Why is knoppix.sh not running this line? Thanks, Mike
The path may not be setup yet at boot time. Try to put the full path of the script in your knoopix.sh or even better cut and paste the whole thing and update the full path where required. You can use "whereis" to figure out the full path of program/scripts,...
My 2cts, Gilles

10-11-2005, 11:16 PM
I'm using the latest syslinux, and I also added the myconfig= cheatcode to the front of the line (so I don't thinks its a line length limitation).

I already use the full path. Here are the top 3 lines of my knoppix.sh:
echo "Running knoppix.sh" >> /tmp/knoppix.sh.txt
/etc/init.d.ssh start >> /tmp/sshstart.txt

I didn't know knoppix could boot a usb key! I'll switch once I get this working....