View Full Version : help with win rescue

10-14-2005, 12:51 PM
As a newbie to linux I understand there is a way to rescue win xp files from a crashed system.
After inserting the cd live knoppix disc into the pc and booting up the first hd partition listed on the left of the screen appears to be my windows files.
How can I salvage them onto another pc please. I have already ordered a usb to usb lead.
Thanks in hope

10-14-2005, 03:26 PM
this is a comon question, most things with rescuework in knoppix are quite well covered here; http://www.knoppix.net/wiki/Rescue_FAQ
ask further if you have trouble or use the search tool.
hmm, these postings might help aswell.

and as i said, search this forum, 90% of your questions are likely answered here.

also i would NOT use usb/usb to rescue files. it will be SLOW and not as stable as with ethernet network, even a null modem cable wil be better.

10-14-2005, 04:51 PM
Thanks very much for the advice. Please could you explain about the ethernet connection. I have just installed broadband under windows xp (yesterday) but have had no luck so far making it work under knoppix.
Would crashed xp machine with ethernet connection to router and then router to okay win xp machine work better....
Thanks again

Harry Kuhman
10-14-2005, 06:35 PM
Please could you explain about the ethernet connection. ...with ethernet connection to router....
If you have a router then your Knoppix setup should be like this:
1) Boot Knoppix
2) Use Internet
Knoppix will try to get it's setup by dhcp from the router and the Internet should be available as soon as you boot. You should be able to put a URL into the Konquror window that is open when Knoppix boots. This is assuming, of course, that you have a simple 10/100 wired ethernet connection and not a wireless card that needs extra configuration (and that Knoppix might not be able to support). You're the second one today to ask for help on this issue but not give us much to work with though. At least you mentioned having a router, but there are different forms of broadband and plenty of different network interface cards to deal with. If the above iformation doesn't help you then you'll need to provide a bit more informtion before we can offer much guidance.

10-14-2005, 06:48 PM
it would most certainly be MUCH better.
even better would be if you configured samba in the knoppix box,
then you can just copy your files from your knoppix box to the XP boxtlike between two WINdows boxes, one thing though;
there can be trouble with files over 1.99Gb,
Samba can sometimes be slightly slow but better than USBlink..
OR you canb start a FTPserver in your knoppix box and then use a FTPtool to retrieve files from it to the XP box.

10-14-2005, 07:24 PM
Thank you both for the help. I have a netgear dg834 router on a normal telephone line.