View Full Version : netcardconfig only works with DHCP?

10-16-2005, 08:21 PM
I have this really bizarre problem - I can get a machine on the network as long as I am using DHCP, but as soon as I run "netcardconfig" and give it my own values, it doesn't matter what IP address I give it, I am suddenly unable to ping the router or any other machines in my LAN.

I got the same problem with knoppix 3.8 as well as 4.0.2 (for this machine in particular) and I can even select the SAME ip address that which DHCP gave me, but the act of setting the IP address manually seems to disable the network card.

Has anyone else seen this problem?

Harry Kuhman
10-16-2005, 08:45 PM
... I can get a machine on the network as long as I am using DHCP, but as soon as I run "netcardconfig" and give it my own values,... I am suddenly unable to ping the router or any other machines in my LAN..
Has anyone else seen this problem?
I've never seen this and I have never seen it reported before in these forums. To be fair though, it's not likely that many people do manually configure Knoppix this way when DHCP is working. But I've configured a few systems manually when there was a DHCP issue and it has always worked, so I tend to think it certainly should work when DCHP is functional too.

You didn't really give much information. I'm tempted to try an experiment and manually configure my system this way, but since I don't think tere is any chance of it failing I'm going to wait at least until you try to help us help you. Here are the things that I think should have been included in your post:

What type of system are we talking about? Is this DHCP from your ISP or from a local router? If an ISP, what type of service is it and what is the ISP? If a router, what make and model (yes, I have tracked down problems here that only surfaced after we knew the make of router involved).

Not just IP addresses but tell us all settings used in the netcardconfig command. I strongly suspect that if the IP address is correct another setting is wrong. The IP addresses used here (assuming that you are getting a DHCP setup from a local router) is private and not routable over he internet, so there is no privacy or security issue involved in disclosing it.

Why are you trying to do this? Yes, it should work and not really matter way you want to do it, but knowing what you are trying to do may give us some insight as to the nature of the problem.

What is your hardware? Computer make and model? NIC make and model? We are talking about a normal wired 10/100 NIC here, are we not? If there are other systems on the network it may help to know about them too; we don't need make and models, but at least knowing how many are out there and what IP addresses thay are using may add some insight.

Are you using any cheat codes at boot time? When you want to manually set up the Knoppix system do you boot with nondhcp and confirm that the network is not set up and the configure it, or do you let GHCP run anyway and then try to change it? If the later, are you doing anything to reset the NIC before trying to change it? Give us all of the commands you use in full text as you type it, don't expect us to guess; we would likely guess that you are doing what we know works and not spot what is going wrong here.